[hider=Lenneth - Bionic Maid] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/IHzvb6y.jpeg[/img] [h3][b][color=77bfef]L[/color]ENNETH[/b][/h3] [b]Female | 183cm (6'0") | 128kg (282lbs)[/b] [/center] [indent][hider=Theme] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fdDpcmJLK8[/youtube][/center] [/hider] [color=77bfef][b]DESCRIPTION:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=Visual References][center]Standing Profile [img]https://i.imgur.com/Hj45j3g.png[/img] [/center][/hider] Cold, pragmatic, and austere, the statuesque blonde's icy blue gaze chills the nerves of all but the most hardboiled men (and women). With unblemished fair complexion that seem [i]too[/i] perfect, one would be justified to assume Lenneth is one of those sophisticated gynoids only the most affluent can afford, and they won't be entirely mistaken; every single part of Lenneth's body sans her brain is artificial, the end result of her Master's unwavering pursuit to save his cherished servant's life, no matter the cost. The explosion she took to shield her Master might have broken her body, but not her spirit. Now reborn, her new body may be artificial, yet her devotion remains genuine. Now armed with the H.A.Lo module and custom-made [url=https://i.imgur.com/hJZQeCd.png]'Nibelung' carbine rifle[/url], the maid stands ready to serve, whatever Master's wishes will be her command. [/indent] [color=77bfef][b]FATE POINTS (FP) REFRESH:[/b][/color] 3 [color=77bfef][b]APPROACHES:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Careful:[/b] Fair (+2) [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Clever:[/b] Mediocre (+0) [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Flashy:[/b] Average (+1) [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Forceful:[/b] Good (+3) [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Quick:[/b] Fair (+2) [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Sneaky:[/b] Average (+1) [/indent] [color=77bfef][b]ASPECTS:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]High Concept:[/b] [indent]Cyborg battlemaid devoted to her Master. [/indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Trouble:[/b] [indent]I feel more machine than human. [/indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Want:[/b] [indent]I wish to serve my Master until I can serve no more. [/indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Relationships:[/b] [indent]Derek "ART-ficer" Burris is the Ripperdoc assigned to maintain my cybernetics, my Master vouched for his discretion and integrity. [/indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Extra:[/b] [indent]My H.A.Lo (Heuristic Analyzer and Locator) module enables me to scan my surroundings in a radar-like fashion. [/indent] [/indent] [color=77bfef][b]STUNTS:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] Because [b]I Have a Bionic Body:[/b] [indent]I can gain a +3 bonus on Forceful or Quick Physical actions via bypassing the safety limiters of my systems, then I gain +2 Stress due to the backlash. [/indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] Because [b]I Am Equipped With The H.A.Lo Module:[/b] [indent]In the first round of conflict, I can create a situational Aspect 'weak spot detected' with 2 free Invokes. [/indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] Because [b]I Am Installed with Self-Repairing Functions:[/b] [indent]Once per chapter / session, I can Recover 1 Severe (or lower) Consequence on myself. [/indent] [/indent] [color=77bfef][b]TRIVIA:[/b][/color] [indent] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Color Code[/b]: [color=77bfef]77bfef[/color] [color=77bfef]❖[/color] [b]Faceclaim and Art Source[/b]: Asuma Toki from Blue Archive, official in-game art. [color=77bfef]❖[/color] Lenneth has no surname. [color=77bfef]❖[/color] Has a particular fondness for rabbits and rabbit-themed trinkets. Has a pet rabbit named 'Usachan'. [/indent] [color=77bfef][b]WRITING SAMPLE:[/b][/color] [indent][hider=My Master, Right or Wrong] [b]"W-... who the fuck-...?"[/b] The man went agape, his fingers - adorned with no fewer than three jeweled rings - trembled, losing their grip on the shot glass as it fell to the carpeted floor, thudding unceremoniously, spilling its contents onto the fabric. Caol Ila Single Malt Scotch: Aged 12 years, such a fine vintage, under normal circumstances, he'd be [i]livid[/i], but right now, caring for wasted scotch was the last thing on his mind. Instead, the sight of a tall golden-haired woman with eyes cold like ice clad in a maid uniform took his attention front and center, how could he not when his two bodyguards were laying lifeless at her feet? [color=77bfef][b]"My utmost apologies for the inconvenience, sir,"[/b][/color] The icy eyed blonde curtsied politely as if she was addressing royalty, unfazed by the pair of fresh, still-bleeding corpses near her as she straightened herself, the silenced pistol in her right arm trained on the club owner's forehead, [color=77bfef][b]"But I must inform you that my Master sends his regards."[/b][/color] [b]"Go to hell, bitc-...!"[/b] The man was promptly cut off as a sharp projectile closed the distance between the gun's barrel and his skull faster than the blink of an eye, the bullet wasted no time in puncturing through skin, muscle, bone, and everything else that lied between it and its grand prize: the greedy businessman's brain, the source of shady deals and crooked ventures. However, after the application of ballistics physics ricocheting through his neurons, he wouldn't be scheming anymore. [color=77bfef][b]"Please accept our gratitude for your time and attention."[/b][/color] Lenneth bowed once more, thanking the man slumped on his recliner; he didn't reply, rather uncouth, but judging from the coin-sized hole on his head, he could be excused. With the message sent, Lenneth's task was done as she promptly left, calmly stepping over a body before leaving through the door. Another job well executed, as expected from Lenneth. After all, she's her Master's maid, she'd sweep any and all 'dust' he wishes to clean, bury any 'trash' he wishes to take out. By the time she's done, everything would be spotless. [/hider][/indent] [/indent] [/hider]