For the briefest of moments my eyes were opened to the glory of the Warp. I saw endless fields of golden possibility stretching out before my eyes, but unlike my normal human eyes my real eyes could see undimmed into infinity. There were colors for which we have no names, shapes for which our tawdry geometry cannot describe. In a single grain of sand I beheld palaces more grand and luxurious than ever graced the soil of Terra. My spirit soared in skies that burned a blue so bright it I could feel it tingle to my fingertips. There were wonders beyond counting and I suddenly felt that, for the first time in my life, I understood the universe. I could see my place in it, better I could bend the universe around myself and remake it in such wonders that people would cry out my name in wonder and terror. There were secrets I might learn that not even the gods had looked upon, pleasures which no woman had ever conceive of, much less experience. All of the universe could be mind if I but reached out my hand and... Tawdry reality crashed in around us. I sucked in my breath in an effort to stifle a sob of loss. Hadrian squeezed my hand and I as back in my body. I let out a shuddering breath and reached down to my belt. I drew a hand gun, a rubidium plated kaiser 26, and flicked the safety off. I wished I could have brought my force staff, but carrying psycoactive material through the teleporter would have been insanely risky. Clara bared her teeth and spat as though clearing a bad taste from her mouth. I wished I could show her the glory that had seen but there was no time for any of that. She unslung a cut down las carbine. "Ok, well we are on a miles long starship. Any idea where we should start looking?" Clara asked. Hadrian made a gesture with his pistol. "Bridge and passenger quarters will be this way," he said, leading the way through the maze of pipes and girders. I followed along, wondering where the crew might be. "We are near the shuttle bays, they wont be crewed during warp jump," Hadrian explained. That was right, the locator was on the shuttle, despite the uncertainty in Lazarus' calculations we must be somewhere near the hungers. "Do we have a plan for getting off this boat once we bring the Emperor's justice to this heretic?" Clara asked. "We will figure something out," Hadrian replied. A man in a spacer's jumpsuit and brass serf collar came around the corner. His eyes opened in shock to see armed strangers in a part of the ship where such folk rarely strayed. He opened his mouth to ask something, or perhaps to shout, but before he could do either my mind closed on his. He feel to his knees and abased himself before us. "Command me mistress," he begged, tears of devotion starting from his eyes. Hadrian and Clara both eyed me. "This isn't the time to be subtle," I said rather defensively. "Where is the Inquisitor who travels with you?" I asked, taking a chance that Vorn wasn't using an alias. "Forward Mistress, in his quarters on the officers deck," the serf babbled, his face raptorus with being able to provide information I wanted. "You will lead us, by ways that will avoid notice," I instructed. He all but sprang from the deck and ran down to a doorway, turning with the earnestness of a puppy and beckoning us on.