When Bear noticed the two young ones had fallen for his challenge he grinned and ran harder. With his two legs he wasn't faster than Sparky and Missy on their four legs, but he was able to stay ahead of them for a bit. Netherlu looked up at the moon and the stars. "I like the sun better," he said. "The light, the heat, the colour. Nights are cold and dead to me. I'm not a fan." "How does Lugia feel about the night?" Andy asked, looking from Netherlu to Gavin. "Since Arceus is big on balance, do Ho-oh and Lugia represent opposites? Water/Fire, Cold/Heat, Sun/Moon? I bet Lugia will be stunning when the silver moonlights reflects from her body." "Oh, that last part is certainly true," Netherlu said. "If she flies over the ocean with the moon on her back, she emits a mysterious beauty that I'm sure she's not aware of." He turned to Gavin for back-up. "Right? Or have you never seen her fly in that setting?" [i]"We should sleep next to Saruya,"[/i] Lytse said to Eros. [i]"She big and fluffy and warm, you'll like it!"[/i] Michael nodded to the idea, the Arcanine was great to snuggle against and she had a caring nature. "I'm going to clean the pot and the bowls we used," he said to Niccia. "If I wait until the morning it's going to be a lot harder to get it clean."