[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231110/36e32c489d4ed4f1717e598167ac2924.png[/img] [sup][b][color=A5988A]Wordage:[/color][/b] [i]427 (+1 points)[/i] | [b][color=A5988A]Experience:[/color][/b] [i]17/20 EXP[/i] [b][color=A5988A]Location:[/color][/b] [i]Sandswept Sky (Carnival Town)[/i][/sup] [sup][color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●[/color][color=gray]●●●●[/color][/sup][/center] Osvald trudged behind the others through the overwhelming thoroughfares of Carnival Town, his disgruntled expression deepening. "[color=A5988A]Hmph, '[i]have fun[/i]'.[/color]" he scoffed, shaking his head "[color=A5988A]Shouldn't we be finding what we came here to look for rather than have fun?[/color]" The noise, the crowds, the gaudy decorations – it was all so...frivolous. And yet, his companions seemed to be eating it up. Nadia, in particular, was practically bouncing with excitement. Once they exited the train station, Nadia waved to the giant orange cat hitched to the train, then skipped off with Chucho at her heels. Osvald rolled his eyes. Even the trains here had to be festooned with oversized felines. And the streets! They were crowded with creatures and people of all shapes and sizes, lined by buildings that seemed to twist and bob to the music. It was enough to give a man a headache. But Nadia just chirped about champion racers and familiar faces on the billboards, like any of this mattered to their quest. The others seemed a little overwhelmed, but Nadia was undeterred and ran off suddenly. Osvald followed, though hardly keeping up with the feral. He couldn't help but notice the way she bounced along the stripy umbrellas and storefront overhangs like a rubber ball, making a spectacle of herself. And the others were eating it up, oohing and ahhing over dog painters and giant luchador statues. Even Osvald had to admit, the Day of the Dead procession was impressive. But this was hardly the time for sightseeing. When Nadia led them to the heart of the city, Osvald's eyes narrowed. A blazing ring of colors hung in the sky, casting the plaza in a dusky purple glow. Osvald's gaze was fixed on the Flame Clock in the center of the corona. Before he could comment, Nadia took off running, climbing one of the buildings. Osvald followed, his movements less than graceful, but no less urgent. What was she on about now? When he reached the top, he saw her staring out at the city, puzzled Osvald looked out to see a dark shape hurtling down through the sky, wreathed in flame. A meteorite? But it seemed to be descending too slowly... Osvald sighed, rubbing his temples. This was precisely why they were getting nowhere. But he followed the feral down, because what choice did he have? As they set off through the crowd, Osvald couldn't help but think that this entire town was a distraction they could ill afford. And yet, a part of him wondered what they would find.