"Hey now, Witch girl. I'm unapologetically sober right now." Rita said with a huff. "Soberest I've been since that three day straight corporate event where the banned alcohol the entire time..." remembering that horrid moment of sobriety. "Anyhow, sure. I'll follow you. It's stay her and die to that rotting smell or follow you any way." As she followed the witch girl, she noticed the forest returned to what it once was. Peaceful and, it baring any of the traces of that horrid creature, serene. Along the way, snakey has asked her a question of if they really died and reincarnated or something. "Hard to say. I wasn't quite stacked like this before.... or short. Or green." Not long after, the little cottage came into view. It felt like something out of a fantasy story. Collean mentioned hansel and gretal. "What, want to get fattened up and eaten by the cute witch girl?" She replied, looking around the place. The thing that got her more curious than anything were the bloomed flowers. It would be a great way to compare this world to her own. If there were familiar flowers then perhaps more things would be similar. After she took a good look to see if she recognized any of them, she'd question the witch their names.