Avatar of Ezro


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3 mos ago
Current Ewwwwww. I was so excited (like a FOOL) for the Cowboybebop Odubs2 fever dream. Then I saw what they did to Spike/Mcree/Whatever Blizzard calls him now.
4 mos ago
Humans can be such cute little quirky creatures. Like somewhere down the line we went, "These words make images, and with images we got stories, hecc yeah dude."ungabunga evolution is wild.
1 like
4 mos ago
The perfect start to a perfect war. Putting down the roses, picking up the sword~
1 like
4 mos ago
Will be working on all my responses tonight :3 dealing with a move rn, but by next week i'll be back to my normal posting times
4 mos ago
Finally updated all of my ads :3


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Thank you ^^ glad to be back

Now craving fandoms ::

Call me Ezro, or even Lurker if you want,they/them pronouns, please. I'm a bit rusty, and just shaking off a three-year hiatus. I write with original ideas best, but can probably be convinced to do a fandom roleplay if we can throw in OC's.

I'll probably try to mostly rp on discord, but I always wanna chat and get our interest and what down in PM/DM's. Nice meeting you all, hope to create some worlds with you ~
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