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2 mos ago
Current Electricity may go out/stop working for 2 months sometime around Easter. (This sunday)
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6 mos ago
Got a stable place to spend the holidays. Should be around more. Life's hard man, but things are looking up. Stay sane these holidays.
1 yr ago
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5… Biblically inspired vampire shadow cabal and Jewish priest vampire hunters?
1 yr ago
sorry y'all. back from homeless.
1 yr ago
The be callin' me Tom Foolery the way I be getting up to no good shenanigans.
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Hunting for the Perfect Thought.
Apologies for my lateness. Life is busy. Sometimes I struggle to write as well as I want.

Most Recent Posts

Brown L. Cheeseman

Brown watched on, light streaming in through the grand doors. Highlighting his silhouette against the bright blue sky. This hid his expression of concern, differing from his usual airheaded slight smile he stood with a straight mouth and a furrowed brow. As the dance in front of him unfolded, he picked his way down into the court. Weaving between the bodies as he tried to intake as much as possible within the grand hall.

As the gleaming girl turned from Audrey and spoke to 'Ralek' he began to formulate his line of questioning. Still shaken from his encounter in the streets, he was still standing in the center mouth agape when she had finished talking. Still looming when she turned and acknowledged him. He managed to begin, 'What did I see? You're the one who brought us here? It doesn't feel right- Why are we here? Who did I see?' His face fell even further from the usual, it was a rare sight to see Brown so openly unnerved. 'What did she mean? Everything about her seemed wrong...'

He looked unto the princess for answers. He was unwittingly leaning upon his staff now and had not even acknowledged the rest of the group since his entry. His paper skin flickered in the soft light, the details of his face lost to all but those closest to him beneath the writhing sea of everchanging symbols.

Stafford wordlessly listened to the 'briefing'. A wry smirk coiled up his lips upon the mention of Pavel's name. It seemed his job would be easier than expected this day. An old shooting 'buddy' of his, Stafford found it really did pay to have the connections that came with the inheritance.

As the team unsubtly aired their dislike for him he jotted down a note in a small pocketbook. Nothing they were saying surprised him. Neither did he disagree with any of it. He found the least likely type of man is the man that so wishes to be a genius, but is only held up by marketing. Another case of generational wealth being wasted upon the next generation.

"I can probably snag myself an invite, love. Might even have one already, not sure these days. Might even be allowed a plus one. Depends how well Pavel remembers me from the 'good' old days." Though Dr. Boxer had expensive tastes, he'd never cared for the type of person associated with his class. And he most certainly wouldn't willingly stand any of them without a very good reason. Fortunately for the group, Stafford found himself wanting to make up for his previous failings and he could do that by begrudgingly tolerating his socio-economical peers for a couple of hours.
Looks mad cool. Got a character in mind that may or may not work.
@PerfectThoughtVery interesting character design, although my main question would be why would Parma-Violet want to be a mercenary? If the character "is incredibly hesitant to get into confrontations of any kind, due to them drawing attention to him." What would make him pick a career that literally puts himself into confrontational situations? That's my only real concern with the fundamentals of the character, otherwise I would like to see a bit more to tie him into the universe itself give some faction or organization names that we can build on instead of generic "bad people". That being said if you can give me the answer of why he would choose to be a merc and maybe a bit of merc work he would of done beforehand we can work out the other stuff later and I'd be happy to accept him.

Okay done some tweaking! Hope this is good.

@PerfectThoughtVery interesting character design, although my main question would be why would Parma-Violet want to be a mercenary? If the character "is incredibly hesitant to get into confrontations of any kind, due to them drawing attention to him." What would make him pick a career that literally puts himself into confrontational situations? That's my only real concern with the fundamentals of the character, otherwise I would like to see a bit more to tie him into the universe itself give some faction or organization names that we can build on instead of generic "bad people". That being said if you can give me the answer of why he would choose to be a merc and maybe a bit of merc work he would of done beforehand we can work out the other stuff later and I'd be happy to accept him.

Both are very fair points. I'll do a little bit of retooling and get back to you.
This is an old character that I never got to use, but quite liked. So I've repurposed him this. Hope that's alright :)

Interested. Should get a CS up for submission soon.
Limited interest so far. Shame.
[As a preface, this is not meant to make light of religion or anyone's beliefs. I am merely fascinated by Abrahamic mythology.]

Noah, son of Lamech, cursed the second son of his second son for a crime lost to the annals of history. These people came to be known as the Canaanites. The sons of Canaan. They were cursed to live lives of torment and hatred for a crime committed millennia ago by a common ancestor.

Homo Sapien Khanaan is a peculiar human subspecies originating from the Levant, having co-existed and been subservient to the Semitic peoples of old. However, over generations, they grew hateful of Shem's God. Yahweh. In the second temple era, an underground group of the dwindling population of Canaanites turned to the dark god Moloch for his favour. This ritual became known as the first supper. The boon granted to them for their heinous deeds? A child born tainted with the blood of Canaan is blessed with the burden of a deep-ceded desire for the flesh of their peers. This hunger provides them with abilities incapable of the sons of Shem of Japheth. With this boon, the Cabal was able to live to an age not seen since the antediluvian period and the days of Methuselah.

Using the powers bestowed upon them by their forbidden gods, this secret group began to accumulate knowledge and power. They were some of the first scientists, philosophers, and artists. They had a vast administration keeping track of the genealogy of all Canaanites. Using their influence to hide their growing population and vast human farms.

However, they couldn't hide forever. Someone noticed something was off. The methods of their reveal are another of history's great mysteries. But an ancestor of Levi, a devout Kohen priest would discover the Canaanites' generations of heresy and debauchery. He continued to investigate, not yet noticed by the watchful gaze of the Cabal's administration. He would secretly spread the word among certain devout Kohen, of the purest blood and most pious nature. This group would become known by the few aware of their existence as the 'True Levites' and they would hide in the shadows, planning their first actions against the Canaanite superpower.

When the time was right, they attempted to tear away the veil, revealing to the Israelites the cannibal enemies hiding beneath their noses. the True Levites had managed to capture fragments of the Codexes detailing Canaan genealogy. Using this information, they provoked a violent and bloody all-out war, ending with every single one of the names listed in the Codex fragments being purged from history.

Unfortunately, this would prove to only be a small percentage of the Canaan population. Canaanite elders used the first Levitic-Canaan war as a lesson. Before promptly erasing all knowledge of it happening from all records nigh the Levitican records and their own. They soon instituted strict population control to prevent the rediscovery of the population. And secondly, they began developing a new method of feeding their population.

Despite this still happening in the middle Roman era, the Canaans used their highly advanced and secretive technology to crossbreed human livestock and animal livestock to create monstrous and horrific animal-human hybrids. These heretical creatures had the intelligence of livestock, and were almost undetectable from their normal animal counterparts, except for subtly closer human features. This human-animal livestock was then disseminated across the globe and is prolific across the entire world. Levitic estimates believe that they are outbreeding regular livestock and currently comprise nearly 80% of the current livestock population and will likely completely replace animal livestock within the century. Because of the integration of their food source, Canaans were then capable of almost indistinguishably integrating into normal society.

From then until today the True Levites have gone back to working in the shadows, attempting to route out the despicable blight on humanity that is the Hidden Nation of Canaan and its monstrous citizens, Homo Sapiens Khanaan. It is believed by our Levite Knights that many powerful and influential historical figures were Canaanites or put into power by the Canaanites to help them achieve their goals.

For example, it is believed Hitler, and the entire Nazi regime was orchestrated by them. As well as almost every notable scientist ever. Archimedes, Einstein, Newton. Almost every world leader is believed to be Canaanite, and if not they are a Levite. The entirety of the organisation of Free Masons is Canaanite, it is believed.
Extract from 'The Levitic-Canaan Conflict' by High Kohen Uzziel Cohen.

Your character can be either a member of the order of True Levites, or a true-blooded Canaanite. Both sides are responsible for atrocities and are morally grey. One side is not 'good' and the other is bad. However, Canaanites are required to be cannibals to survive. Also because of the nature of this being a large-scale global conspiracy, you should take into consideration that your character should be fairly influential/powerful, otherwise, how will they realistically influence the story?
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