Avatar of Star Light


Recent Statuses

5 days ago
Current So sorry for the double post
1 like
5 days ago
I'm tired. So so tired. I don't know how I'm going to manage to go on. Everything is so heavy. Everything is so loud.
5 days ago
I'm tired. So so tired. I don't know how I'm going to manage to go on. Everything is so heavy. Everything is so loud.
13 days ago
Bored bored boreddddd
15 days ago
Nobody seems to be on this late at night. It's quiet, and lonely.


Work in progress

Most Recent Posts

Lol, why don't we wait til we know who all is joining before we start dibbing stuff
Pretty much everything is open! Lol, we could start soon, since we have a good amount of people
It is still going! Lol, we'd love to have you!
Once we get some more people ^^
Lol alrighty! I can count another member!
Yk what? I want this story to start!! So if anyone in interested please pop in and say so! As well as what zodiac you would like to play!
I deeply love the series!
Although I don't think I'm up for making a thread and finding people to play everyone lol, but if you want to I'd love to join XD
I didn't expect this to be responded to XD

Lol this idea kind of died for me, especially since I don't rp much on this anymore, thanks for showing interest though!

Welcome to the site, and I hope you have a wonderful time here!

Popping in for a quick hello and a question on if you'd like to maybe shoot me a PM and we can chat about rp ideas? I'm interested on rping right now and need to get back into it.
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