[center][h2]Journey of the Pathfinder[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/52/d0/d552d04d267525ab2cda53ff83f2c833.jpg[/img][/center] Exploration, the sense of discovery and adventure. A desire that has always been with humanity since the beginning. From simple wanderers to hardy explorers. Discovering new lands and new horizons. Even as humanity started to explore and expand itself across the solar system. Starting settling the moon in 2030 and then Mars in 2036. From there it was simply and matter of time before humanity under the United Nations of Earth expanded across the system. This was made possible thanks to the invention of the Argos engine in 2050. Which cut down travel time between planets from weeks to days and was efficient enough to be commercially available by 2060. Then the big change for humanity and what officially started a new age of exploration and colonization was the invention of a faster than light drive in 2125. Created by scientists Balram Nene and Louseres Aroyan and called the Nene-Aroyan Jump Drive. It is able to open a portal to a dimension called hyperspace and by traveling in it. Can make ships travel faster than light and cover large distances with ease. Starting a colonization drive that saw humanity's reach past the solar system. By 2195 humanity and expanded to twenty systems and the United Nations of Earth in order to properly manage their interstellar holdings. Reformed itself into the United Systems Union or USU with Earth as its capital. Entering into a period of peace and prosperity. In 2225, a new initiative under the Union to explore beyond the Union's borders and venture into deep space was created. Called the Orion Initiative, under it a new type of ship the Athena class cruiser was built from scratch. Specifically designed for traveling in deep space for years at a time. After five years the newly christened Pathfinder was finally finished and would start her maiden voyage from the outer world of Talos. Beginning a long trip to what lies beyond the Union's borders and in deep space. The start of the Pathfinder's journey into the unknown. [center]Rules: 1. Expected to follow standard site rules 2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc... 3. No OP characters 4. A max of two characters 5. Minimum of one paragraph [/center] [center][h3]Roles[/h3][/center] Commanding Officer - Executive Officer - Chief Helmsman - Liaison Officer - Security Chief - Marine Commander - Chief Medical Officer - Chief of Engineering - Quartermaster - Psychologists - Xenobiology - Astrogeography - Astrophysics - Linguistics - Xebotony - Geology - [center][h3]Overview[/h3][/center] Hello and this is a sci-fi rp about the crew of the exploration/science ship the Pathfinder. As it starts its journey in exploring beyond the borders of Union space and into deep space. As for what your character can be, it can be anything as long as it makes sense. Which you can be heads of the several departments if you wish. [center][h3]The Pathfinder[/h3][/center] The [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/60/9e/15/609e1583bdd9efee8b18bc386a2d67cd.jpg]Pathfinder[/url] is the first of her class of Athena-classed deep space cruisers. Housing a max of 500 personal. Including support teams and a platoon of 50 marines. The Pathfinder has a hanger that houses up to four shuttles/dropships. T he [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0c/ac/fc/0cacfcc7bd6dfa72d64186c12144ba9a.jpg]Vro Dropship[/url] can house up to twelve people and a small bit of cargo. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/75/d1/2775d1a56501eed114703db93b4bc45f.jpg]Kodiak Heavy Dropship[/url] can