[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Gensokyo — Moriya Shrine[/h3][/center] "Thank you for visiting today!" Waving farewell to a pair of kappa who were leaving the shrine, Sanae took a deep breath before glancing behind herself. The shrine had been busier than usual today, no thanks in part to the recurring presence of a new god who had made herself known quite recently. The young woman didn't particularly mind the recent uptick in activity, regardless of how tired it left her by the time she threw herself into her futon; things would settle down eventually, as they always had, until a new incident rolled around. That was, as far as she could tell, the way things went in Gensokyo. Once the last of the guests had made their way past the torii and down the stairs, though, Sanae glanced at the stone pathway behind her with mild annoyance. As fun as the events in Gensokyo could be, the real problem was the cleanup afterwards... And, as always, it fell to her to handle that. Letting out a slight sigh as her shoulders sagged, the young woman began to walk back towards the shrine before a sudden surge of magical energy beneath her feet caused her to stop dead in her tracks. Sanae's first instinct, of course, was to try and dodge away from it; that attempt was quickly stifled, though, as what seemed to be a barrier of sorts kept her in place above what was very clearly a magic sigil of some sort beneath her feet. That surge of magical energy, though, seemed to attract someone else to where she was stuck—one of the goddesses that resided in the shrine alongside her. "Sanae!" shouted the small blonde-haired girl bounding over from inside the shrine. "What's going on out he——?!" "Suwako-sama! There's some sort of barrier locking me in this... Whatever it is!" Sanae responded as she attempted to break through the barrier with a few magical bullets. "It doesn't seem to be———" But before she could finish her piece, a blinding white light seemed to engulf her. When it had dissipated, there was no trace of the green-haired girl to be seen, nor of the spell that had spirited her away to who knew where. [hr][center][h3]??? — Ruined Church[/h3][/center] When the light had finally died down, Sanae found herself in a [i]vastly[/i] different place than the shrine she had been at mere seconds prior. Rather than the familiar stone pathway and Shinto shrine she lived at, this place seemed to be something more akin to a Western church. The statue of an unfamiliar goddess coupled with the distinctly different apparent time of day (given the light filtering in from the broken roof above) made clear that she was most [i]certainly[/i] not in Gensokyo any more. After the brief moment of recognition that something particularly strange was afoot, the young woman quickly switched gears as she raised her gohei before glancing around the area. Her eyes quickly fell towards a young man and a small girl, neither of whom looked to be in particularly good shape. Coupled with a fresh volley of arrows shattering the windows and falling in from the hole in the ceiling, though, and it became rather clear to Sanae that she need to act fast before whoever (or whatever) was bearing down upon these two took their lives. She could ask questions later, and the still-glowing pillars of light around her that looked rather similar to the one that had pulled her here meant that there was a non-zero possibility that others were yet to come. Waving her gohei to her side, Sanae quickly summoned a cluster of ofuda at its tip, which then quickly flew through the shattered windows and erected a barrier above and around the church. At the very least, this would afford her some time to figure out what to do next and how to help treat the injured before dealing with whatever was outside. Hopefully the other people that she assumed were being dragged into this situation like she was would be of a similar mind... Or that she wouldn't be alone here, at the very least.