[hr][center][youtube]https://youtu.be/ksrh5RRfAmk?si=i2nKrx0rqtxlyhQJ[/youtube][/center][hr] [h2][color=gray]Egypt, Undisclosed Location[/color][/h2] [hr] Impatient tapping on dusty cement. A closed-off alleyway, a group of hooded, sleeveless lurkers, kicking stones. A motorbike rolled up, the smell of gasoline fumes in the air. Worn sandals stepped off, the aggressive twist of a key, and the engine shut off. [b]"What's the status, men?"[/b] [b]"Settled and unaware."[/b] Came a quick response from the left. [b]"Well,"[/b] one from the right shuffled unsteadily on his feet. [b]"The agents have been speaking, the Monsiuer. The Local. They... suspect something."[/b] [b]"Exactly [i]what[/i] do they suspect?"[/b] The leader said, eninciating every word. [b]"Well. Suspicious of the burial chamber."[/b] [b]"Wise gits."[/b] A sigh.[b] "Is it gonna interfere with our plans? Remember, we don't get paid, [i]and[/i] we don't get belly rubs if this goes south."[/b] There was a flicker of hesitation from the group. The leader, clearly irked, stepped towards the one who had spoken up, grabbing him by the collar. [b]"I said, are we gonna have a [i]problem[/i]?"[/b] The man whimpered, shaking like a leaf. [b]"N-no sir. Everything will go according to plan."[/b] [b]"No. Everything is [i]already[/i] going to plan. Now, don't muck this up. Monitor all channels. When the cage drops, we move. Fast. Got it?" [/b]He said, roughly letting go of the hesitant one. [b]"Yes boss."[/b] [hr] [h2][color=gray]Pyramid of Giza, Burial Chamber[/color][/h2] [@Lexisheeps] [hr] As Thierry examined the inscriptions in the burial chamber, any eye contact made with the glowing vortex inside the tomb was met with a... [i]strange[/i] sensation. The vortex, with prolonged eye contact, would almost appear to become bigger, taking up more space in his vision. At least, until he would realize he had unconsciously moved closer, nearing the lip of the tomb. There was a lulling sense, a hypnotic trance that softly crooned for Thierry to do something so simple and easy: jump into the vortex, to come home. Of course, a simple shake of the head would clear these thoughts. He could even write it off as exhaustion, staring at the markings too long. Regardless, even standing in the burial chamber appeared to be not as easy of a task as one would have initially thought. [hr] [h2][color=gray]Pyramid of Giza, Louvre Tents[/color][/h2] [@Days], [@WhiteAngel25], [@Lexisheeps] [hr] [color=steelblue][b]”When you and mom go into the burial chamber, do you mind if I go along?"[/b][/color] Little Cosette blearily stepped into the tent, dressed in the clothes her mother had set out for her the night before - a frilly white cotton blouse and jean shorts. As she rubbed her eyes, she couldn't help but overhear her elder brother, begging her mother and father to see the secret parts of the pyramid. [i]Her[/i] pyramid. He was going to see something she wouldn't see? That wasn't fair. She could feel tears prick her eyes, as she piped up. [b]"Maman, I wanna go! I'm a grown-up too!"[/b] Her mother hushed her gently, offering breakfast. [i][b]"Bonjour mi petit, did you sleep well?"[/b][/i] Cosette immediately compared her breakfast to Theo's. When she saw it was the exact same fava bean stew, albeit in a smaller portion, she almost immediately sunnied up. She pranced over to her mother, her mouth open in awe as she accepted breakfast. Smiling wide, happy to have the same food as her brother, she sat down at the table beside her father. [i][b]"Good morning, Cosy, darling. Are you excited to see the chamber too? I know I am!"[/b][/i] Her father said beside her. Her smile widened, literal suns in her eyes. Her father actually [i]said[/i] she would get to see the chamber. She was over the moon. A happy squeal escaped her lips as she bounced in her seat. [b]"Oui, Papa. Je suis vraiment enthousiaste!"[/b] She chattered enthusiastically, smiling up at her father. In that moment, he was larger than life. She then glanced up at her mother, sitting on the other side. [b]"Maman, can we take pictures with Auri's camera? I want to remember ALL of this."[/b] She then glanced at her older sister and smiled wide. She loved Auri's camera. Sometimes, Auri would even let her take photos with it! [b]"Can we pleeeease, sis?"[/b] Enraptured with the idea of taking photos after breakfast, Cosette dug into breakfast, trying to finish as quickly as possible, her little legs bouncing under the table. For that morning, the family was together, blessed, and united. Smiles exchanged, and internal troubles were eased and momentarily forgotten. They were picture-perfect, all together, happy. [i]For now.[/i]