[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5494758][img]https://i.imgur.com/9BCGgou.png[/img][/url][/center] [center][h3]--On the Road--[/h3][/center] Ah, it seemed that a few of her comrades could immediately see the merits of having allies in high places, while some others... needed to be informed first. No matter, not everyone was fortunate enough to be raised in high society after all. [color=d9457c][b]"A most welcomed suggestion, Lady Anne,"[/b][/color] Remilia giggled approvingly, parting her lips in a fanged grin, [color=d9457c][b]"I suspect not, since we're practically strangers to them, but all efforts begin with the first step."[/b][/color] The Half-Machine Knight's idea to report the Raven Heralds' incursion upon the kingdom's territory was fine as well; Remilia knew that she herself wouldn't tolerate intruders wreaking havoc in her domain, any sovereign worth their title shouldn't either. [color=d9457c][b]"With your skills as a diplomat, I shall be expecting you to serve as my aide upon our arrival at the capital."[/b][/color] With that, The Knight should tread lightly indeed, lest the Scarlet Devil began to see her as a surrogate Sakuya of some sort. Unless, she didn't mind such things, after all, despite all of her quirks and flaws, the fact remained that for centuries now, Remilia were always accompanied by subjects loyal enough to lay down their life for her if it came down to it. [color=d9457c][b]"You're a lady of noble blood as well, or am I mistaken?"[/b][/color] The lilac-haired youkai shifted her attention to the immortal pyromancer of the group and fellow Gensokyoan, [color=d9457c][b]"Unless you've forgotten all manner of court etiquette over eons of vagrancy, I'd like to have you with us as well, Mokou."[/b][/color] Though the vampiress believed the forest wanderer had "lesser" noble qualities than her, she believed Mokou still possessed an aura of elegance that only those who learned and practiced noblesse oblige could have. The Knight-Witch Rayne and the Shrine Maiden Sanae brought a valid concern in tandem to what Anne mentioned earlier, yes, indeed, first impressions are [i]essential[/i], most especially when addressing figures of authority, fortunately for everyone, Remilia had just the answer. [color=d9457c][b]"Fear not, Lady Rayne and my dear comrades,"[/b][/color] The vampiric haemomancer huffed as she proudly placed a hand against her chest, [color=d9457c][b]"I shall prove the immediate benevolence of our presence by offering to heal any ailing subjects of the monarch. After all, one may easily dismiss a peddler or a jester as unneeded, but most certainly not a doctor."[/b][/color] Remilia then flashed a quick smirk at the Toa of Air, it had seemed his words during their time hunting boar together were resonating deeper than anyone had expected, including the recipient herself. If only she knew how easy it was to gain adoration and respect simply by healing, she'd have become a dedicated healer [i]centuries[/i] ago. As for the suggestion first brought up by Lewa, [color=d9457c][b]"Excellent, while my accomplices and I seek an audience with the monarch, the rest of us can scout for anything that may prove useful to us in the city itself."[/b][/color] She leaned forward ever so slightly, [color=d9457c][b]"In fact, as Lady Rayne mentioned, we can start right away by inquiring these fine merchants."[/b][/color]