[hr] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjEyOC40NGQ2MmMuVG1WdmJpMU9iMmx5LjA/rabid-science.regular.webp[/img][/center] [hr] [right]Are you still in? [color=44D62C]Yeah, why?[/color] Meet me at the usual spot. Be in good shape. [color=44D62C]What's the rush?[/color] We've got a new job. [color=44D62C]Details?[/color] Encrypted. Meet me. [color=44D62C]Fine. Give me 30.[/color] [EOT][/right] [right]Took you long enough. [color=44D62C]Traffic's a nightmare. What's so urgent?[/color] We're hitting a [D̡̗͍̘̬̜̎̕A̦̲̤̩̓́̅̇T̛͖̠̄͊̃̂A̰͑͒̎ ̢̜͔̎ͅC̪̅̇́͒Ò͔̫̙̺͇̍̒͝ͅR͍̎͐́̆͝R̘̘̺̩͍̀̇̉͗͊Ù͈̦̻̒̌̽͝P͕͇̼̈̀T̻̘̓͋̽̐͊̈́I̛̗̺̣̠͛̚͜͝ͅO̮̮̼͕̥͛̆͊̓̐͆N̪̥͍̩̄͑͊]. [color=44D62C]Again?[/color] This one's different. They're up to something big. [color=44D62C]What kind of something?[/color] Not sure. But someone's willing to pay a fortune for it. [color=44D62C]Sounds risky.[/color] That's why they hired us. [color=44D62C]Any backup?[/color] Just us. [color=44D62C]Great. What's the plan?[/color] Infiltrate, retrieve, get out. [color=44D62C]Simple enough.[/color] Don't underestimate it. We move in five. [EOT][/right] [right]You good? [color=44D62C]Yeah. You?[/color] Got what we came for. [color=44D62C]What about security?[/color] Dealt with, permanently. [color=44D62C]So now what?[/color] Lay low. Wait for our next move. [color=44D62C]Should we be worried?[/color] Always. [EOT][/right] [hr] [center][i]Welcome to Neon-York! The year is 2177, human cybernetic augmentation and robots are commonplace, and recently, a series of crimes have reverberated the Pyramid-City of Neon and Chrome across [i]all[/i] of its three city layers. From the lower-city districts to the upper-city penthouses, no one seems safe, as a clear connection between them is missing save for one: a complete wipe of the victim's brain. As private investigators, fembot fatales, slumdog mentalists, and possibly mental cases too, you will deep-dive into crime scenes, computer systems and cybernetic minds across the city to uncover the madness behind the mystery.[/i] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/7a5a3db7-fb07-4532-aa4c-93f5a5d5d651/d9y6rvp-08b4238f-9618-4491-b5eb-0c44316bd858.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzdhNWEzZGI3LWZiMDctNDUzMi1hYTRjLTkzZjVhNWQ1ZDY1MVwvZDl5NnJ2cC0wOGI0MjM4Zi05NjE4LTQ0OTEtYjVlYi0wYzQ0MzE2YmQ4NTguZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.eo7MtTF_JpW5otzSgjgOo-yNtPfUh_spqVrGR14R9Uc[/img] [sup](Image source: [url=https://www.deviantart.com/valenberg/art/Rolly-Rocket-601618597]Rolly Rocket by Valenberg on DeviantArt[/url][/sup][/center] [hr][center][h1]About the Game[/h1][/center] [b][i]Neon-Noir[/i][/b] is a comfy-dystopian cyber-sleuthing RPG inspired by the settings and the feel of [url=https://www.cyberpunk.net/nl/en/]Cyberpunk 2077[/url], [url=https://www.rockstargames.com/games/lanoire]L.A. Noire[/url], and [url=https://eclipsephase.com/]Eclipse Phase[/url]. Player count has currently [b]0[/b] free spots. So please check back later. Happy to have you! The [b]code of conduct[/b]:[list] [*] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/163267-fundamental-rules-of-the-guild/ooc#post-4291608]Standard board rules[/url] apply. [*] Don’t be a d*ck (but don't be too easily slighted either). [*] We play a minimum of once-weekly updates. [*] Though roleplay may involve mature themes, there will be no explicit 18+ roleplay. [*] Anything else can be discussed and determined by the group in OOC. [*] The GM decides on matters that can’t be resolved by the group, and can always be consulted. [*] Keep real-life politics, religion, and drama 'off the table'. [*] Most importantly: [b]Have fun[/b]![/list] [b][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/192618-fate-accelerated-play-by-post-edition/ooc]The Fate Accelerated PBP system (thread)[/url][/b]: in this game we will use the [b]Fate Accelerated[/b] system adapted to play-by-post. It is a minimal system of rules for collaborative storytelling games (see the thread if you want a thorough explanation with many examples, or [url=https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/61298d7e-a74c-4726-bf3d-01a6673d54fb.png]here for a one-pager quick-reference[/url]). As it is a narrative-first system, play will not be very different from your usual RPG on this site. The changes will mostly be in how challenge and conflicts are resolved (elements of randomness), in that players are rewarded for acting in-character (even when that means getting into trouble, or failing sometimes), and in how players can add to the setting. If you have any questions about it, please don't hesitate to ask me. I will remind players of the rules as they become relevant, and will check-up with you, and update these as we learn what does and doesn't work. Submit your [b]Character Sheet[/b] for approval in OOC, using the template in the Resources below. Notice how it is quite minimal. This is on purpose: this lets other players quickly understand your character and how to interact with them, it gives you a lot of freedom in how to apply and develop your character in-game, and through the Fate system, these aspects can come back to help you (without your character becoming overpowered), [i]or[/i] bite you in the ass. In my experience, it works best to focus on a few meaningful aspects you’d find [i]interesting to play[/i] rather than choosing what you think is ‘optimal’, or very rigidly pre-defining the entirety of the character. Also consider if it fits the established setting (see the Glossary below). [hr][center][h1]Resources[/h1][/center] [hider=Character Sheet] [i][header with the character name, colored by IC speech color - check if it is sufficiently legible and different from other players'!][/i] [i][optional image representing the character - if possible, credit the source][/i] [b]Name[/b]: [i]character name, colored by the speech color you'll use in-character[/i] [b]Gender[/b]: [i]M/F/W[/i] [b]Refresh[/b]: [i]how much Fate Points this character starts with each chapter, usually 3[/i] [b]Description[/b]: [i]a [u]1-paragraph[/u] summary of the character, including appearance, personality, skills and history[/i] [b]Approaches[/b]: [i]how does this character approach challenges: Careful, Clever, Flashy, Forceful, Quick, Sneaky?[/i] [list][*] [b]Good (+3) at[/b]: [i]pick [b]1[/b] approach[/i] [*] [b]Fair (+2) at[/b]: [i]pick [b]2[/b] approaches[/i] [*] [b]Average (+1) at[/b]: [i]pick [b]2[/b] approaches[/i] [*] [b]Mediocre (+0) at[/b]: [i]pick [b]1[/b] approach[/i] [/list] [b]Aspects[/b]: [i]5 short-and-sweet descriptions of the character, 1 for each of the following categories. Each aspects has to be one single meaningful and descriptive fact/aspect about the character. These can be invoked in-game for 1 Fate Point to get bonuses on rolls, or can be used to compel you into action, so make sure to think about how you want to actually [i]play[/i] this character. Any flavoring, details and interesting or fun facts about the character are better put in the description, writing sample, and the trivia sections.[/i] [list] [*] [b]High Concept[/b]: [i]short phrase summarizing your character as a whole[/i] [*] [b]Trouble[/b]: [i]short phrase summarizing a flaw or obstacle that frequently complicates this character's life[/i] [*] [b]Want[/b]: [i]short phrase summarizing what this character wants, or what's really important to them[/i] [*] [b]Relationship[/b]: [i]short phrase summarizing their relationship with another (preferably player) character[/i] [*] [b]Extra[/b]: [i]short phrase summarizing any other thing you think is important to know about this character[/i][/list] [b]Stunts[/b]: [i]special abilities/traits/items the character can use for 1 Fate Point[/i] [list] [*] Because I [b][i]am/have/know trait/item/ability[/i][/b], I can [b][i]create an effect/get a bonus[/i][/b] when [b][i]some in-game condition is met[/i][/b]. [*] [i]add more, up to 5 in total; try to vary them, some utility, some combat, some trivial, some 'ultimates'. Ask GM for help if needed.[/i] [*] [i]if you want MORE than 3, up to a max. of 5 stunts, your Refresh will be decreased by 1 for every stunt over 3 as a trade-off. That means each chapter you'd start with LESS Fate Points, and therefore would be able to USE your Stunts/Aspects less often out of the gate![/i] [*] Making Stunts is often the most difficult thing to get right on the first go. SO ASK GM IF YOU'D LIKE HELP! [/list] [b]Trivia[/b]: [i]anything else you want to add about this character that isn't essential, but still fun to know[/i][list] [*] Possibilities: face claim, speech color, theme song, other fun facts (favorite drink, NPC connections, etc.) [/list] [b]Writing Sample:[/b] [i]2-3 paragraphs of IC writing illustrating this character (for example their life, mindset, potential storylines and themes).[/i] [/hider] [hider=EXAMPLE Character Sheet] [b]Name[/b]: Lola Shon [b]Gender[/b]: F [b]Refresh[/b]: 3 [b]Description[/b]: Based on her utilitarian looks alone, you'd never take her for the feisty and ruthless business woman she is. With short black hair, tanktop, several guns hidden in the pockets of her cargopants, critical eyes, and a blabbermouth that would put the Mid-City Neurovid actors to shame, Lola Shon is a large personality in a petite frame. No surprise too: a brainstim-dealer's job is a hard life - a successful one, even harder - and Lola has quite the resume. Currently endebted to the Staten Island Thugs, she scours the city with her [i]Centurion[/i] Hoverbike and trusty guard dog for their next big job. [b]Approaches[/b]:[list] [*] [b]Good (+3) at[/b]: Sneaky [*] [b]Fair (+2) at[/b]: Quick, Flashy [*] [b]Average (+1) at[/b]: Forceful, Careful [*] [b]Mediocre (+0) at[/b]: Clever [/list] Aspects:[list] [*] [b]High Concept[/b]: I am [i]the[/i] hottest brainstim-dealer in this blasted city. [*] [b]Trouble[/b]: I only look out for numero uno. [*] [b]Want[/b]: I need to pay off my debt to the Staten Thugs, and soon. [*] [b]Relationship[/b]: Bacchi is my trusty guard dog, and my only friend. [*] [b]Extra[/b]: I’ve kitted out my hoverbike with some surprising modifications. [/list] [b]Stunts[/b]:[list] [*] Because [b]I Always Shoot First[/b], I can gain a +3 bonus on Attacking Quickly during the first round of a Conflict. [*] Because [b]I Have The PR_SEC v.12 Package Installed On My Neural Chip[/b], once per chapter/session, I may declare I found a way past or out of trouble. [*] Because [b]I Have Many 'Medicinal' Stims[/b], once per chapter/session, 1 Mild Consequence may be Recovered on anyone during a conflict. [/list] [/hider] [hider=Copyable Character Sheet Template][noparse][hider=CHARACTER_NAME] [center][h1][color=]CHARACTER_NAME[/color][/h1] [img][/img] [sup](image source: [url=]... by ... on ...[/url])[/sup][/center] [b]Name[/b]: [color=][b]CHARACTER_NAME[/b][/color] [b]Gender[/b]: [b]Refresh[/b]: 3 [b]Description[/b]: [b]Approaches[/b]: [list][*] [b]Good (+3) at[/b]: [*] [b]Fair (+2) at[/b]: [*] [b]Average (+1) at[/b]: [*] [b]Mediocre (+0) at[/b]: [/list] [b]Aspects[/b]: [list] [*] [b]High Concept[/b]: [*] [b]Trouble[/b]: [*] [b]Want[/b]: [*] [b]Relationship[/b]: [*] [b]Extra[/b]: [/list] [b]Stunts[/b]: [list] [*] [/list] [b]Trivia[/b]:[list] [*] [/list] [b]Writing Sample[/b]: [/hider][/noparse] [/hider] [hider=Player Post Footer] ... ROLEPLAY AS USUAL. Feel free to use your own title card. When using the footer (only really necessary during conflict/contest/challenge scenes, don’t forget to remove the ‘dot’ in the [noparse][.hr][/noparse] in the template ... [hr][b]Action[/b]: [i]actions plus rolls ex.[/i] Attack Forcefully + Invoke (1+2+2 = 5) | [b]FP[/b]: [i]FP cost of the action, ex.[/i] -1 | [b]Stress[/b]: [i]if any stress boxes have to be ticked, ex.[/i] tick 1 | [b]Consequences[/b]: [i]if any consequences are taken, ex.[/i] Concussion (2) [b]Scene[/b]: [url=example.com]LINK_TO_SCENE[/url] | [b]Tag[/b]: [i]player tags, ex.[/i] [@MrSkimobile] [/hider] [hider=Copyable Player Post Footer Template][noparse] [.hr][b]Action[/b]: | [b]FP[/b]: | [b]Stress[/b]: | [b]Consequences[/b]: [b]Scene[/b]: [url=]SCENE[/url] | [b]Tag[/b]: [/noparse] [/hider] [hr][center][h1]Glossary[/h1][/center] [hider=Glossary] This glossary keeps a list of descriptions and aspects of the various locations, creatures, items, and other worldbuilding elements for this story. Entries are listed in alphabetical order, and will be added or changed as the game progresses. If you have any ideas for worldbuilding elements, feel free to propose them for GM approval! ↦ [b]AI[/b]: Artificial Intelligences are computer programs that imitate (some would say surpass) biological brain functions. Though some are highly specialized, most general-purpose ‘local’ AI are limited to human-level intelligence due to energy and compute limitations. ↦ [b]Bits[/b]: the currency of the world in 2177. Though it comes in different forms, from parallel resource and reputation systems, to company-internal productivity points and monthly allocated processing power, everything can be reduced to bits in the end. ↦ [b]Cybernetics[/b]: broad term for technological augmentations. Robotic limbs, multi-spectral eye-cams, neural interfaces, pheromone dispensers, smartwatch skin-graft, multi-functional nanite-tattoos. You name it, they probably have it. Most bio's are augmented in basic ways. ↦ [b]Extranet[/b]: once advertised as ‘the internet, but more!’, this network of networks of information systems, digital twins, AI’s, roaming Minds, and layers upon layers of augmented and virtual reality, has grown to permeate most of everyday experience, with most physical objects in some way being linked to it. ↦ [b]Human[/b]: good old-fashioned (mostly) flesh-and-blood humans. ↦ [b]Neon-York[/b]: the massive arcology city formally known as ‘New York’. It is made up of 3 interconnected layers stacked on top of each other like a pyramid, shielded from the outside environment. The Lower City comprises its original boroughs plus a sprawl of many more recent ones, with a tangle of high-speed skylanes and optical datalanes for travel running throughout. The Lower City houses most of the city’s inhabitants, from the ungoverned and indentured to the neo-religious communes, sub-urbanites and data center tenants. The City Center is its second tier, mostly made up of commercial, cultural and governance districts, and houses the travel hubs connecting it to other megacities. Last, but not least, the Upper City is a truly mysterious place, said to be occupied only by the most important influences of the city. ↦ [b]Omni-fab[/b]: devices able to (dis)assemble most items to and from a raw ‘basepaste’ and (bought and paid for, of course) specification files. A.k.a. replicator, fabricator, 'fab. Small-scale devices found at servicing stations are often called 'microfab', whereas 'macrofabs' are used in large-scale fabrication. ↦ [b]PID[/b]: ‘Persistent Identifier’, collection of a personality’s records (birth/creation/modification timestamps, passport) and other tracked data (certificates, medical/criminal/ad history). Used as a form of official identification, but also to authenticate aspects of a personality (clearances). A.k.a. Profile. ↦ [b]Power[/b]: ah, power, that most wanted and despised thing… But who wields it in this world of ruthless business interests, AI anarcho-trolls, government gangs, and x-celebs? A good question! To which not even the quantum computers, cracking chaos theory conundrums 86.400.000 milliseconds a day 7 days a week, have an answer. Skulls may crack and bits may clank, but who truly owns the soul of a man? ↦ [b]Shape[/b]: the physical form a ‘personality’ currently inhabits. A.k.a. form, case, container, can, bin. These can be "bio's" such as the trad-born and pod-born, but also cyborg, robotic, or even entirely digital. [/hider]