[hider=The Handmaiden][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/shadow-effect/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240502/13eef30b0ccbcbb7ba6e1cf63306e878.png[/img][/url] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG2.rivA0vq0jcN0sYL6tI2v?pid=ImgGn[/img][/center] [b][color=royalblue]Age:[/color][/b] [color=silver]23[/color] [b][color=royalblue]Appearance:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Elara has a subtle beauty about her, with long silver hair cascading like a waterfall and eyes reflecting the moon's pale luminescence. Her skin is fair, almost translucent, with a soft glow that seems to emanate from within. She is slender and graceful, moving with the quiet confidence of one accustomed to the silent halls and shadowed corners of a royal residence.[/color] [b][color=royalblue]Race:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Human[/color] [b][color=royalblue]Kingdom:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Lunaris[/color] [b][color=royalblue]Role:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Handmaiden to the Princess of Lunaris[/color] [b][color=royalblue]Magic:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Elara’s mastery of lunar magic is deeply intertwined with her Lunarian heritage. Her ability to manipulate light and shadow is not merely a matter of illusion, but a profound connection to the ebb and flow of lunar energies. She can bend light to create pockets of darkness or areas of bright illumination, which is invaluable for navigating the palace’s dim corridors or for creating a strategic advantage during nocturnal activities. Her control over shadows is equally impressive; she can cast them as tangible extensions of herself, using them to fetch items from afar or to gently cradle an injured bird back to health. The shadows respond to her emotions and intent, becoming playful or solemn as she wills them. Elara’s healing magic, while not as potent as a dedicated healer’s, is a vital skill in the harsh Lunarian landscape. She can soothe pain, accelerate the healing of minor wounds, and reduce inflammation with a gentle touch and a focused mind. Her healing extends beyond the physical, as she can also calm troubled minds, easing the stress and fears of those around her. This combination of skills makes Elara a valued member of the royal household, not only for her service but also for the subtle security she provides. Her presence is a silent guardian, a watcher at night, ensuring the safety and well-being of her charge, the Princess of Lunaris.[/color] [b][color=royalblue]Short Bio:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Elara was born and raised in the capital of Lunaris. From a young age, she showed a keen aptitude for magic, which caught the attention of the royal court. She was trained as a handmaiden and quickly became one of the Princess’s most trusted attendants. Elara came to Dawnhaven at the behest of the Princess, to serve and support her in this new and challenging environment.[/color] [b][color=royalblue]Misc:[/color][/b] [color=silver]Despite her reserved nature, Elara has a warm heart and a gentle spirit. She is fiercely loyal to the Princess and would do anything to protect her. In her free time, she enjoys studying ancient texts on magic and practicing her skills by the light of the full moon.[/color] [/hider] [hider=The Advisor and Protector][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/polices/police-ouroboros/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240506/5d86bdce280f3ac57965d1097268c775.png[/img][/url][/center] [b][color=#00008b]Age:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9]32[/color] [b][color=#00008b]Appearance:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIG4.HKzVyP42C6e8vN6nSQkv?pid=ImgGn[/img] Orion is a striking figure with a commanding presence. He has a chiselled jawline, sharp cheekbones, and intense eyes that glow a deep crimson red. His hair is a dark chestnut, kept short and often slicked back. As a Blight-Born, his skin has taken on a pale, almost marble-like quality.[/color] [b][color=#00008b]Race:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9]Blight-Born (Energy)[/color] [b][color=#00008b]Kingdom:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9]Aurelia[/color] [b][color=#00008b]Role:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9]Advisor and Protector to the Prince of Aurelia[/color] [b][color=#00008b]Blight-Born Traits:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9]Orion was transformed by the blight, granting him the power to absorb and manipulate dark energy, heightened senses, and the ability to drain life force. His specific abilities are a closely guarded secret, however, known only to the prince.[/color] [b][color=#00008b]Magic:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9]Orion is adept in shadow magic, able to cloak himself and others in darkness and create barriers of dark energy. His use of magic is discreet, ensuring his powers remain concealed.[/color] [b][color=#00008b]Short Bio:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9]Orion Nightingale’s life was one of privilege and promise. Born into the noble House of Nightingale, he was groomed for leadership and strategy. As a young man, he excelled in the military arts and was known for his sharp intellect and unwavering courage. His family’s legacy was one of honour and service to the Kingdom of Aurelia, and Orion was set to continue that tradition. However, fate had other plans. During a skirmish on the borders of Aurelia, Orion was exposed to the blight. The transformation was agonizing and left him changed forever. He emerged with powers that were both a gift and a curse. His once bright future among Aurelia’s nobility was now overshadowed by fear and suspicion from those he once called peers. The prince, however, saw beyond the stigma of the blight. He recognized Orion’s potential and offered him a place at his side, not as a monster to be feared, but as a protector and advisor. This act of acceptance was a turning point for Orion. He found a new purpose in his Blight-Born abilities, dedicating himself to the prince’s service. His loyalty to the prince is unshakeable, forged in the fires of adversity and strengthened by the prince’s unwavering trust. Now, as the prince’s right hand, Orion uses his strategic mind and newfound powers to navigate the treacherous political landscape of Aurelia. He is the prince’s shadow, ever-present and ever-vigilant, a silent guardian against threats both seen and unseen. Despite the darkness that courses through him, Orion’s heart remains true to the ideals of his noble lineage, and he stands as a beacon of hope for all Blight-Born who seek redemption and a place to belong. [/color] [b][color=#00008b]Misc:[/color][/b][color=#A9A9A9]A man of honor and integrity, Orion is a master chess player, believing the game sharpens his strategic thinking.[/color] [b][color=#00008b]Limitations & Risks:[/color][/b] - *[i][color=#A9A9A9]Energy Consumption[/color][/i]*[sub]: Using his abilities can leave him weakened.[/sub] - *[i][color=#A9A9A9]Sunlight Vulnerability[/color][/i]*[sub]: Sunlight can weaken his powers and cause pain.[/sub] - *[i][color=#A9A9A9]Life Force Drainage[/color][/i]*[sub]: Must be cautious not to harm others with his draining ability.[/sub] [b][color=#00008b]Risks:[/color][/b] - *[i][color=#A9A9A9]Loss of Self-Control[/color][/i]*[sub]: Risk of losing control over the dark energy he wields.[/sub] - *[i][color=#A9A9A9]Isolation[/color][/i]*[sub]: His nature can lead to feelings of isolation.[/sub] [/hider]