Elijah stared back, taking in those gorgeous eyes. That smile. Gods be damned, it made Elijah’s heart flutter. What an adorable little dumbass. He gently pulled his hand away when Sorrel pulled away. He took Sorrel’s number with, perhaps, more eagerness than he would like to admit. Before Sorrel left, though, he paused and placed the rag in Sorrel’s hands. [color=#9d9751]”Keep that. I have like. Twenty at home. I got a cheap pack of a bunch of them a while back. Better to bleed into that than something you’re wearing. More comfortable, at uh… at least. Be safe going home.”[/color] Elijah waved, then turned and slipped into the Taco Bell. [color=#ed6885][i]Well. I’d say that went well.[/i][/color]