Michael searched the warehouse room for several minutes longer but found nothing of real interest. He approached the door that led deeper into the warehouse and opened it slowly, cautiously poking his head out. This room was much larger, appearing to be a showroom of sorts. As he saw many bedroom suites lining the walls along with tables and chairs. None of them were in good condition and he noticed there was only two or three lights on leaving most of the warehouse in darkness. Not letting go of the door handle he tentatively took a few steps out into the darkness. His hazel eyes straining to see if anything was moving in the darkness. The furniture repair room felt oddly safe, but this dark cavern he was facing. It almost felt like a hungry maw waiting to claim him. The feeling was unnerving at best. The silence was eerie. Nothing in this town was going according to plan. It was then that he heard a loud crack out in the darkness. It was the sound of wood collapsing under immense weight. Michael's eyes narrowed as he could barely make out a giant shape in the darkness. He could not see it clearly but it seemed to walk on four legs and was easily towering over everything in the store. The Beast let out a low growl that seemed to echo in the darkness. Michael wasted no time in fleeing out the way he came. He didn't bother to close the door because the thing could not fit in through the door but that wasn't what made his haste. His hunch proved right as Michael leaped off the loading dock in a full sprint. He heard the massive bay door rattle as the thing collided into it. The metal bending outward before collapsing as the thing smashed into it a second time. Michael saw none of this however as he rounded the corner of the chain link fence with the creature in hot pursuit of him. Michael was not in shape and his side was hurting from running who knows how long before he rounded a street corner and heard an old man call out to him. He glanced behind him seeing the beast had yet to catch up with him. He glanced at the people who murdered the man before steeling his resolve as he gripped his weapon tightly. He still didn't see the beast but he could hear it and he knew the beast could most certainly smell him if not hear all this commotion. Michael ignored the burning pain in his side as he ran towards the group. They had not eaten much of the man and some were beginning to get up to intercept him when the great beast finally rounded the corner. Michael dove into the gap between them and almost ran into the old man before pulling himself and the old man into the store. Quickly locking the door he looked at the old man fear still evident on his face. [b]“What now? This glass door is not going to keep that thing out.”[/b]