[hider=Penny Amato][center][h2][color=73997E][img]https://i.imgur.com/GtmI9NV.png[/img][/color][/h2] [sub][i]Penny Amato[/I][/sub] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bD3x1Pz.png[/img] [sup][h3]17 • Fluid • Pansexual • They/She/He • Single[/h3] (FC: Ruby Cruz; Dialogue: [color=73997E][b]73997E[/b][/color]) [/sup] [/center] [center]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/center] [center][h3]Intro[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=73997E]►[/color] reputation[/h3][/sub] [indent]As much as it is possible to be an enigma at BHHS, Penny Amato is one. It's a well known secret that Penny Amato isn't their birth name but most people, at this point, have stopped trying to work out the mystery of Penny's family and have just accepted that Penny is just another face in the halls. Albeit a very nice face, by all accounts. No one could deny that Penny is a bit of a nerd, they play TTRPGs and even have a character that they have played as for years and they have a decently well known Twitch stream where they just build and paint model kits while talking to the chat or reading things sent to them - because Penny's other well known feature is their voice. Penny has a unique voice, it's husky and smooth which Penny learned makes some people feral - one time they went on mic while playing Valorant with some friends and the randoms on the team spent the entire match asking her to say things like 'Hi honey' and 'Ara ara'. They didn't get it at first. That combination of voice and face was also what made them a bit of a mainstay in the theater department of BHHS, appearing in performances since Freshman year and auditioning for masculine and feminine roles. Penny's reputation at BHHS is fairly positive. As far as they know they don't have any enemies but they're also savvy enough to know how to play the game - which only adds to the rumor that they have some knowledge of social climbing thanks to the mysterious family. Whether on stage or just hanging out, it's hard not to notice Penny whether they want it or not. Some want to be their friend, others just want to know what their deal is, but the only family Penny is interested in talking about is the families of the fantasy novels they read. [/indent] [sub][h3][color=73997E]►[/color] current dilemma[/h3][/sub] [indent]Penny doesn't really have any post high school plans. They don't exactly want to get into acting but nor do they want to be a career barista. Penny would like to maybe be an author but they have no confidence in their own writing, even though they're part of the BHHS literary magazine and have helped with scripting in theater productions. Secretly, Penny thinks it'd be cool if they got to be in the running for Prom King or Queen but they're smart enough to know that those roles are basically filled before the prom even happens. But maybe this year is the year that the status quo is shaken up. It is the last chance, after all. Penny also has a wealth of expectations put on them by their family, but that's a can of worms that Penny refuses to open with classmates.[/indent][/indent] [center]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/center] [center][h3]Details[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=73997E]►[/color] social media handles[/h3][/sub] [indent]Penny has a Twitch stream where they build model kits and interact with chat. To their surprise, it has earned her a decently niche following and some extra pocket change - it turns out people on the internet will totally donate to get Penny to read fanfiction or tongue twisters or innuendo comments while they paint some tabletop figures or build a Star Wars ship. Their Twitch handle is 'PenNPaper' which is also their Twitter handle. On Discord they just go by Penny as their display name with the username being amatotomato. [/indent] [sub][h3][color=73997E]►[/color] style [/h3][/sub] [indent]Some people put in a lot of effort to make it seem like they didn't actually put in effort, but in Penny's case they actually don't put in much effort at all. Penny dresses as if they buy their entire wardrobe from Goodwill or Salvation Army, a whole lot of old jeans and baggy shirts like hockey jerseys or button up flannel and khakis. If there is any regularity with their outfits, it's a preference for sleeveless shirts. They wear Converse shoes a lot but they will wear a pair of shoes until its falling apart. The only consistent aspect of Penny's style is that their hair, unless in a play, is always shaggy and unkempt, and yet even then their bangs always seem to be styled slightlt differently every day.[/indent] [sub][h3][color=73997E]►[/color] ride & everyday items[/h3][/sub] [indent]Penny's car of choice is an Alfa Romeo Giulia but they don't have one. What they do have and drive is a Volkswagen Arteon R-Line in Kingfisher Blue. Even that car is a bit richer than they'd care to admit, but it was a sweet sixteen gift. Or so they say.[/indent] [sub][h3][color=73997E]►[/color] occupation[/h3][/sub] [indent]Penny is a barista at Plouf Cafe and Bakery. Penny does not bake anything but does enjoy tiramisu and the croissants. They do latte art and have gotten better at it though most are satisfied with them just making a heart in the latte.[/indent] [sub][h3][color=73997E]►[/color] extracurricular activities[/h3][/sub] [indent]Penny is a member of the BHHS literary magazine and is a known figure in the theater department. Even if they don't get a part after auditioning, Penny will still help put on a play even if in a stagehand role.[/indent][/indent] [center]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/center] [center][h3]Questionnaire[/h3][/center] [indent][sub][h3]Friends would describe me as _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"A rules nerd. No, seriously, I have a bad habit of annoying the DM because they sometimes don't know the rules of the classes in the group. I mean, I don't do it often but I've done it enough that it's kind of a running gag with my group. I don't know, I think my friends would describe me as nice or friendly or whatever, it's boring. I don't have anything more exciting or interesting than that. I'd describe my friends as annoying because some of them bother me at work which is cool and all but then they start asking for free cakes but all I can give them is a biscotto. No, I don't know why an Italian cookie is in a French themed cafe but I don't make the menu, I just brew the coffee and get awkward flirts from customers."[/color] [/indent] [sub][h3]In my free time I like to _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"Read books. I'm working through the fantasy section at the book store. I also started writing my own fantasy stories but don't tell anyone, they're bad and I don't want people to think I'm lame."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]I would like to learn _______ in the next year.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"How to be a good DM and run my own session."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]This is how I define success and failure:[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"Success is being able to go to bed at night with a smile. That's kinda corny. I don't know, man, who thinks about this stuff? I'm just happy when I get a B on a test I didn't study for, especially in science. Why do I need to know physics? I'm not gonna be a physicist and I already know what I need to about chemistry: fire is hot, don't touch it and if it smells like poison, roll a constitution save to not get poisoned."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]I'm inspired by _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"I dunno, I guess Tilda Swinton and Naomi Novik?"[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]These songs are the soundtrack to my life:[/h3][/sub] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvItjimKl4M]"20 Dollars by boygenius"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZKcl4-tcuo]"Life on Mars by David Bowie"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Gr8Z3rUeJM]"The Narcissist by Blur"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rGxhKC33GI]"Snail by The Smashing Pumpkins"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkkKimuDNIQ]"Feel the Pain by Dinosaur Jr."[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJFGhFtKxPc]"Spit on a Stranger by Pavement"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMSx95iU-yQ]"The Bard's Song by Blind Guardian"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw_xEB_CtTU]"Heaven on Their Minds by Carl Anderson (from Jesus Christ Superstar)"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-Khe7DInxo]"Scott Street by Phoebe Bridgers"[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_hDHm9MD0I]"Your Best American Girl by Mitski"[/url] [/indent] [sub][h3]My fondest memory as a child was _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"In middle school I was cast in a pre-teen production of Treasure Island. I got to play the part of Billy Bones who, you know, is basically only in the play for one scene. I got to have a stage sword fight, it was cool. I got the part because no other kid, not even the boys, could have a piratey gravely rasp to their voice but I could even though I needed a lot of water and tea at home after. Anyway, the best part was after when someone in like third grade saw me in the hallway a few days later and said I was really good in the play. I never thought I'd consider stage acting until then. So I guess thanks to that kid, I hope they're doing cool."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]If I could tell my younger self something, I would say:[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"You don't have to hide, people are way more willing to accept you these days. Well, mostly. So don't be afraid to wear 'boys clothes' with 'girls clothes'."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]The things that make me smile are _______.[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"Rolling a nat 1 and having to embrace the chaos that brings. Getting a flower after a performance. I never know if that's, like, a flirty thing or not."[/color][/indent] [sub][h3]My whole life story in one sentence:[/h3][/sub] [indent][color=73997E]"Somehow won most of the charisma checks but failed everything else."[/color][/indent] [/indent] [center]▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃[/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=73997E]►[/color] extra information[/h3][/sub] [indent]Really would prefer you stop asking about their parents or what their real name is.[/indent] [/indent][/hider]