What a tail. Like, it's not a. It's not a thing people talk about, right? In conversation, polite or otherwise? Like, you might discuss it in terms of aesthetic and sexual appeal, and here she's pretty sure that Azura have the advantage? You just can't beat a couple dozen feet of pure ripcord muscle for sex appeal? Can't beat it for the pure amount of cuddles it can dish out? But she's looking at that tail--startling somewhat guiltily when Ember turns--and wishing she could whip hers around like that. It's the swish, right? A swooshy tail, wagged furiously with the pleasure of achievement and a hard-won victory. Of course it's Ember. It could never be anyone but Ember. Or, you know, maybe Mosaic. But probably Ember. There isn't. There isn't, you know, something she can [i]point[/i] to? Not the voice, the hair, the facial structure, the bone structure, none of it is recognizably her, but-- It's the vibes. It could never be anyone but Ember. Princess and child of the gods, huh? That's gonna take a bit to sink in, honestly, at the same time as she feels silly for not seeing it earlier? She looks at the Weapon on the floor, and does not reach for it.