[center][h3][color=#f39d14]2:31 AM: Is it weird to send an invite at 2 AM?[/color][/h3][/center] Elijah could not sleep the night after his run in with Li and Sorrel. The whole event played on repeat in his head. He had yet to gather the courage to message Sorrel, but he had spent all night [s]being obliterated by Taco Bell[/s] thinking about it. When he finally managed to muster up the courage to manage it, Elijah pulled out his phone and texted. [color=#9d9751]’Hey! It’s Elijah! I was wondering if you wanted to meet up this Saturday to have lunch? I could bring desert if you make a meal.’[/color] Elijah sighed with relief and flopped back on his bed. Now he could relax. He glanced at his phone to see how long he had to sleep– and froze. Two in the morning?! Oh fuck. Oh fuck, he just sent an invite to hang out at two in the morning. Sorrel would think he was so desperate! Or creepy! [color=#ed6885][i]Oh fuck me seven ways to sunday– or. Well. Saturday, in this case.[/i][/color] Gods above, he was a creep. [color=#ed6885][i]Okay, okay. I can salvage this.[/i][/color] [color=#9d9751]’It doesn’t have to be at your place! We could eat at the park near that Chipotle we met up at.’[/Color] There. That’s a whole lot less creepy. Hopefully. Shockingly, sleep did not come easy that night. [center][h3][color=#f39d14]1:00 PM: This was stupid and I should have never offered.[/color][/h3][/center] The best part of being King Stag for an interview was that Elijah had to do very little dressing up. His chitin casing created a sort of suit of armor that meant that all but his eyes were covered, and even those were difficult for the average person to see. Not to mention how bulky he was. No clothes would fit over the armor, even if he wanted them to. [color=#9d9751]”So why the hell am I wearing this again?”[/color] [color=#d8bfd8]”Because you need to pretend like you actually care about your public image.”[/color] Jenna Falcone readjusted King Stag’s collar and tie, the only piece of clothing he wore over the armor. It was a silly little thing, pressed and white. It looked even smaller compared to his massive bulk and strained against the width of him. Elijah scrunched his nose, grateful that Falcone could not see it. [color=#9d9751]”I do care about my public image. And the public is going to laugh if they see me in this.[/color] [color=#d8bfd8]”They will not. They will see you as someone like them. A businessman. Now get to the car. With all of your stalling, we’re going to be late.[/color] [center][h3][color=#f39d14]1:59 PM: Why the hell am I so nervous?[/color][/h3][/center] Elijah tugged at his collar as he stared at the door to the offices of Word of the Willow. His head fluttered in his throat. He would have liked to enter minutes ago, but Falcone preferred to be exactly punctual. It stressed Elijah out. When two o’clock struck, it was not King Stag who opened the door, but Falcone, with her sharp eyes and sharper heels. She stepped in and held the door open for King Stag as he entered. Falcone started to speak but Elijah paid little attention to her. Instead, he played his “favorite game” of scanning the room. The windows would be sufficiently breakable in case of escape. There would not be much room for combat if it broke out and innocents would be hurt. In the case of fire or gas, he could carry several people himself and Falcone could lead them towards the staircase. Unless that staircase is where the danger is. Then she can help guide them to the window, where he could cart them out. Those thoughts went on and on. In a way, they were comforting. There was always an escape plan, even if it was not needed. On top of that, it was a brilliant distraction from the strange fluttering anxiety that filled him. [color=#d8bfd8]”King Stag has arrived. We’ll need coffee and to talk in a private area. We will not be speaking to the public at this time, which means only Lilian Amie may speak to us.”[/color] As Falcone spoke, her tone just as sharp as her attire, she pulled out a card and placed it in the closest intern’s hand. [color=#d8bfd8]”We will require donuts. Buy enough for your office and bring that card to me. Ensure that at least one box is maple and one box is cream filled. Now go.”[/color] She turned her attention back to the rest of the room. [color=#d8bfd8]”Now, where is Lilian Amie?”[/color]