[h3][color=f49ac2][i][b]2:01 PM ─ All this cardio has to do something, right?[/b][/i][/color][/h3] [indent]Fifteen laps. Lilian had done fifteen laps around the office by the time King Stag's public representative Jenna Falcone entered the scene. And boy did she enter. Just who was the celebrity here? It didn't matter, what did matter was that they were here. Moe specifically, [i]he[/i] was here. Li started across the wide open space of the office 'lobby' as it was called, but before he could get to the arrivals, a man walked briskly past him, practically running him over as he shot by. "Good afternoon, Miss Falcone," Lilian's direct supervisor was hot on the scene, approaching the woman with an overly warm welcome, speaking way too loud and putting way too much force into his words to sound as grand and friendly as he possibly could, "Hal Roberts," he introduced himself, "Article Supervisor and lead writer for Word of the Willow. Thank you so much for meeting with us and agreeing to participate in an interview with our own, Lilian Amie. I assure you, Mr. Amie is one of our finest writers and most dedicated reporters. If anyone can make King Stag shine, it's him."[/indent] [h3][color=f49ac2][i][b]2:03 PM ─ Get a load of [u]this[/u] horseshit.[/b][/i][/color][/h3] [indent]Lilian was amazed to hear Hal's praise, but not because he bought into any of it. He knew well enough already that his boss was lying through his teeth. To be fair, it wasn't lies by a general standard. Lilian as, in fact, one of the greatest writers and most dedicated reporters the company had. Without letting his head get too big, one could even argue he was [i]the[/i] best. But that wasn't the point. Mr. Roberts had never once viewed Lilian in such a way, and often complained that his antics in getting the top coverage on a scene was a liability to the company, even though Li wasn't stupid enough to try and sue the company for an injury he brought on himself. Yet here he was. Hal Roberts. Playing the role of Lilian's hypeman. It was a shock to see, to say the least. He wondered exactly what Hal was trying to get out of this, but decided not to dwell on it too long as he just shook his head and walked over, shoving the man out of his way and interrupting his handshake with Jenna to butt in with a handshake of his own. "Afternoon," he said shortly, "Lilian Amie, Li if you please. Lead writer in numan affairs. Let's get to a more private place, shall we? I secured the board room for our meeting so we wouldn't be disturbed by anyone else. If you and King Stag will follow me?" he prompted the question and didn't even wait as he spun on his heel and walked off deeper into the office space, past cubicles and down a hall to a long room with large windows and a heavy glass door. A long table took up most of the room, lined with cheap swivel chairs, and a large whiteboard with a pull-down projector screen at one end of the room. Hal had tagged along with them, seeing to feel entitled to be present during the interview. Lilian stood in the doorway once Jenna and King Stag had entered and blocked the man from entering, looking up at him with a burning scarlet gaze, "She asked for a private meeting," he said pointedly, "Just me. I'll thank you for leaving us to our interview in peace, [i]Mr. Roberts[/i]." Suffice was to say, the man was shocked by Lilian's attitude and looked about to argue, but the moment his upbeat demeanor faltered, he looked at Jenna and the hulking hero they had but one chance at sealing a deal with, and he plastered that smile right back into place, "Of [i]course[/i], Mr. Amie," he said as naturally as he could muster, "[i]My apologies[/i]. You all take care. I'll be sure to send Edward this way when he returns with the donuts. Until then, I'll have Jason bring you all a coffee tray." "Thank you, sir," Lilian smirked, "Make sure he brings us lots of sugar." With that, Lilian stepped back into the room and closed the door, cutting off the ambient noise of the rest of the office and sealing them into private silence.[/indent] [h3][color=f49ac2][i][b]2:05 PM ─ All according to plan...more or less...[/b][/i][/color][/h3]