*Heyo, I've been writing this mini ARG lately to try to work on my writing skills. Feel free to give any feedback* Day one// [color=ed1c24]Begin initialization?[/color] This message floods my vision as I regain my consciousness. My whole body aches, as if I've been torn apart and hastily stitched back together. The message fades and a brightness seeks into my eyes as they open, momentarily blinding me. I gaze around my surroundings, alien and unfamiliar. Where am I? I can't remember how I got here, actually, I can't remember anything at all. Panick creeps over me as I pull myself up from the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust. I look over my equipment. My scanner is damaged but all the essential life support modules still function. I find myself in a thickly wooded forest or jungle. System readings state that it's around midday. I check my holster for my multitool- it's there, thank goodness. I'd be screwed without this thing. I dust it off and note what's damaged. Using its mining laser I'm able to gather some ferrite dust from scattered rocks. Inserting the raw materials into the damaged scanner slot, the machine knits itself back together. I hear a voice in my head, my exosuit systems. It emotionlessly states "Technology repaired." I fumble with a keypad on the arm of my exosuit, activating my scanner. I do another 360 until it locks onto my ship's signature. Okay, now I know where to go. I begin my trek through the trees and other foliage, occasionally using my multitool's mining laser to cut through the thick undergrowth. After managing my way through a few hundred meters of jungle, I find a small clearing, at the edge of which is my crashed ship, nestled upon some crumpled bushes. There's some smoke rising from the engine compartment which can't be good, but it otherwise looks intact. Near it is a large mechanical orb, painted white. An emergency beacon. Must be what my scanner found. I stumble up to it, typing in a basic activation command, and the top spins and rises open. An automated voice speaks to me, stating "SCENARIO: #Iteration 231187661T [Deleted] Boundary separation failure likely. Vessel [color=fff200][16][/color] emptied. Cause: [Sentinel intervention | Deliberate Transfer] ANALYSIS: Fresh Iteration Generated. Anomaly Containment Prepared." It offers a prompt to either broadcast or leave. Instinctively, I select broadcast. It buzzes and says "// BROADCAST RECEIVED // TRAVELLER ANOMALY DETECTED // Anomaly is Compliant. Position logged. System Integrity Scan Initialized." With that final cryptic message, it closes and turns off, leaving me confused. My attention returns to my ship. The setting sun reflects off its wings. I sigh and say aloud to nobody in particular, "Well, looks like I have some work to do."