[indent][i][color=f6989d]Oh boy,[/color][/i] Li thought as he took in Jenna's words and behavior, [i][color=f6989d]Another one.[/color][/i] He sighed softly, keeping it as invisible and silent as possible as he walked over to sit in the seat across from Miss Falcone, to the right of where King Stag stood. He wondered for a moment if the office might have a different kind of chair that would be better suited for the hero, and part of him wished he had thought of that in preparation for the interview. It felt like it was too late now, and that making any effort toward getting King Stag a proper seat would just inicite more judgment from the woman, something that Li wasn't too eager to receive. Lilian was used to people like her, he had two bosses, a coworker, and a landlady who all followed the same code and he knew well by that point that if a problem wasn't immediately taken as a problem there was no need to try and fix it. As he took up his seat, Lilian set down an arrangement of items he'd been hilding under one arm. A few sheets of printed out papers containing articles on some of King Stag's most significant services to the city, a notebook scribbled with what looked like a myriad of questions written in several different pen colors, and a simple audio recorder which he set in the middle of the table between them all. Brushing his hair back a few times only to ruffle it up again, Lilian gave a nod in responseto the woman, [color=ff664d]"Yes,"[/color] he said, [color=ff664d]"I understand the terms perfectly clear. I assure you, I'm no gossip columnist. I won't be looking for superficial nonsense like dating status, orientation, or anything else falling into such a taboo and personal realm. I'm here to talk about King Stag, the hero, and nothing more. Now,"[/color] he reached then and pressed record, [color=ff664d]"Thank you, King Stag, for meeting with me today. It's truly a pleasure to have you. Before we get straight into things, how goes it for you?"[/color] Yes. It was technically a personal question, but if miss bossy had a problem with it, she could choke on the creme in one of those stupid donuts she demanded, as far as Lilian was concerned. Lilian wasn't about to dump an entire interview on a guy if he wasn't having a good day.[/indent]