[centre][img]https://file.garden/ZKVp9NCxLBkb2R14/Dark%20Heritage/Gajah%20Mada%20Servant%20Card_resized.png[/img][/centre] [hr] Gajah Mada observed the man in front of her, who appeared to be part of the Christian Church, given his attire and the location she was summoned to. Gajah Mada had not interacted much with the Christian Church in her life, for they had only started to gain some small footholds in Nusantara when she was alive, nevertheless, if she remembered correctly, they were supposed to be against unsanctioned mystical arts, deeming it heretical, so it struck her as odd that her Master was a member of such Church. For now, however, she opted to listen to her Master before asking her own questions. Once he finished introducing himself and outlining his immediate plan, Gajah Mada nodded, before replying, [color=39b54a]"Well, first of all, I appreciate the courtesy, but you needn't bother hiding your surprise that I am a woman. It was a common enough occurrence back then, so I am used to it. I am Gajah Mada, the Mahapatih of Majapahit, though given the fact that you knew of my unfulfilled oath—and the fact that you were surprised that I am a woman—you probably already know that. Nevertheless, regarding my unfulfilled oath, allow me to clarify. You mentioned earlier you are in favour of a large-state Southeast Asian Federation led by Majapahit's successor...while I am glad that my Master approved of my wish, what I wish is not to make Indonesia the leader of Southeast Asia, I seek a true revival of the Majapahit Empire. The Nusantara that we dream of is that of a united archipelago under the Majapahit Empire. Indonesia claims to be our successor and even incorporated my oath into their national identity. But in the end, Majapahit and Indonesia are two different nations."[/color] The clarification, was, perhaps unnecessary. But to Gajah Mada, if her Master was fighting beside her under the impression that it would be Indonesia who would fulfil her Palapa Oath, that he would be labouring under a misconception. Gajah Mada was not above deception, but this was a conversation between an ally, and on such matter, Gajah Mada would prefer to be forthright. Smiling, Gajah Mada adds, [color=39b54a]"But of course, given that they ARE our successor in the modern days, that was more a matter of technicality. Regardless, what I wish to bring into reality is a united Nusantara not under a nation whose values and national identity are the Republic of Indonesia but under a nation whose values and national identity are that of the Majapahit Empire. That aside, I am of one mind to avoid collateral damage and save as many people as possible. In the first place, I made the Palapa Oath not for the sake of mere conquest, but because I wished to bring prosperity to all."[/color] That being said...this is called the Holy Grail [b]War[/b] for a reason. Gajah Mada's expression hardened. Her Master seemed to be somewhat of the idealistic sort, but she figured it needed to be said, [color=39b54a]"That being the case, despite only between several individuals this conflict by the name of the Holy Grail War is supposed to be a war. Therefore, while I agree that we should always try to avoid innocent blood being shed, the reality is that sometimes such things cannot be avoided in war. So I do hope you keep that in mind, Master.[/color] [color=39b54a]"Now then, as to your inquiry of whether the Grail informed me of computer..."[/color] she continued, looking at the various monitors in the room, [color=39b54a]Yes. I am aware of them, though not on a visceral level, obviously. They are quite convenient indeed...the things I could have expedited back then if I had these technologies..."[/color] Gajah Mada chuckled, [color=39b54a]"Back then, I was doing the work of four Patih—that is, ministers, in modern parlance—along with my own duty of Mahapatih—Prime Minister—with technology...Oh my, I could easily do at least twice as much work."[/color] Gajah Mada talked about taking on more work with the gleeful excitement one could only find on the most hardcore of workaholics. She then continued with even more wondrous excitement, [color=39b54a]"Oh, yes. Since it somewhat pertained to me, the Grail has informed me that there is something called a communication satellite named after my oath, the Palapa. As I understand it, these...satellites allow one long-range communication through computers via something called the Internet, I'd appreciate it if you could show me this Internet at some point. If I had that back then, I could—[/color] She stopped, realizing that her excitement had gotten the better of her. She coughed, her cheeks somewhat tinged red from embarrassment. [color=39b54a]"Ehem. Forgive me, my excitement of how much work can be done through technology has gotten the better of me. Before that...I've been meaning to ask. I understand that the mystical art is taboo among those of the Church, so what wish would you ask of the grail that you would even participate in such a ritual as a mage?"[/color] [@Letter Bee]