[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QIUSezo.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ycOCuCr.png[/img][/center] [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sloane [@Atrophy] [code]Kari’s House[/code][/right][hr] Fire, then a glowing green shield saving them from an inevitable death. Luca let out a sigh of relief. He at least wanted the year or so he had left. [color=6B8E23]”I'll get out of the way.”[/color] The shield dropped, and Luca ran away from the group... Not at a particularly fast pace. He didn't want to collapse, his lungs already protesting going any faster than a walk. But he didn't want to flee. He may be a burden on the battlefield, but maybe he could protect someone... Luca stopped jogging as he almost tripped over a body. What the fuck? Zombies were falling from the sky. Luca looked up, shielding his eyes from the bright light of the portal. Brianna's portal, Nadine's undead. Shit. He wasn't worried about himself. The aura around him already started to hurt them, and a single touch would destroy them. It was the others he was worried about. People who didn't have a body that destroyed anything it touched - so close to being just like those zombies, dead and rotten from inside and out. A zombie meandered near him, and he stepped out of the way, hand shooting up to catch it. The flesh rotted further beneath his fingers, travelling down the undead creature before it was destroyed. Luca grimaced. He pulled off his button down shirt, strengthening the decay in his hands so it disintegrated beneath his fingers. Underneath was a loose tank top - leaving his shoulders and arms bare. His shoulder bones were prominent, arms skinny but currently undamaged aside from a myriad of scars he couldn't even remember the origin of. More skin to touch, and to rot them away. Another zombie came for him, and Luca just raised a bare arm. It went for it... and already rotting flesh disintegrated in moments. Without much to worry about himself, Luca quickly looked around. His head went towards Linqian first - plenty of people there, she was awake, they were fine... Jasper was there too. Jasper was topless. Luca had seen it before when he'd rotted off Jasper's shirt when terrified by Skelly but... With the effect of the rain it looked- stop looking at Jasper's chest! Luca tore his gaze away and caught sight of Sloane, surrounded by zombies. Sloane didn't have an offensive abstraction. She was close enough for him to help. Luca changed direction, and started to run towards him. He didn't bother avoiding the zombies - rotting his way through them, ignoring the pain that came whenever they managed to touch him. The healing elixir had given him enough strength to be more functional than he had in a long time. [color=6B8E23]”Sloane!”[/color] Luca shouted. He shoved his whole body through the zombies - the moment they touched him, they rotted away in a gory display of peeling flesh revealing muscle and bone until it all turned to dust. Another lunged for him. Luca didn't bother to move as it crashed into his shoulder, causing him to wobble as it decayed. Even as it died his skin tore from the impact, blood dripping down his arm. He caught himself on another zombie, grimacing at the feeling of already decomposed skin turning soft beneath his fingers. He ignored the bleeding - a surface level wound, not something that would kill him. Luca properly pushed through the undead surrounding Sloane, getting close enough that she'd feel his aura prickling against her. Only a step away - closer than he tended to get to people. [color=6B8E23]”They can't hurt me,”[/color] he panted, ignoring what felt like glass shards scraping his lungs. The running, the rain... It was taking its toll on his weak organs. But it was a base level pain that he was used to, and an improvement over the last few days. [color=c6e100][i]Left.[/i][/color] Hearing the Rot's warning he twisted around, arm shooting out to catch a zombie that lunged for Sloane. He was so close to her now, just narrowly avoiding brushing against her as the zombies rotting flesh peeled off and dropped to the mud covered floor with a wet plop. He smiled at her as the rest of it was easily destroyed. [color=6B8E23]”I'll clear us a path. Stay close to me... But not too close, I can't choose what I rot. It's cooperating right now, but...”[/color] he pointed to his left eye, hints of putrid green tendrils pushing at the edges of his iris. The effect of actively choosing to use his rotting, giving the Rot the destruction it desired. He would have to suppress it to turn off his rotting touch, and that would take concentration and energy he didn't have. He needed to stay in control, but he couldn't guarantee it. [color=6B8E23]”If it gets worse, get away from me too. Just in case! I'm in control, and it rarely gets through- so it'll be fine! Just make sure not to touch me.”[/color] He turned back around, hands pushing forward through the nearest zombies, forcing an opening where there hadn't been one before.