[center][h2]Southern District[/h2][/center] [center][@Xaltwind][/center] [quote=Vanessa][color=lightblue]"So, if we're only here in town to nab him for you, I don't see any reason to hold back this time around~"[/color][/quote] Iskah was unnerved by Vanessa's big smile that wanted to unleash the grandest spells imaginable on their target. Still, a single swoop to get Aun out of Wayland Keep and out of the capital would be worth breaking all the rules for. "A-Alright. Just keep in mind that if we fail, we're probably never setting foot in this place for maybe a month or worse, half a year." The duo soon reach Wayland Keep, a relatively small castle situated next to the river. It featured its own walls and from what Vanessa could see, it contained a large courtyard or backyard to the side of its structures. Likely, the main training grounds of the Lot Knights. One of the more notable structures inside Wayland Keep was a tower that Vanessa could feel magic emanating from. Probably where the knightly order kept their spellbooks and magic scrolls and the like. Speaking of magic, Vanessa could also feel anti-magic wards from various points in the keep. Although, they could just be the weak ones that the Dark Mage could sense. "Well, here we are. Wayland Keep." Iskah said to Vanessa, as the two monsters gazed at the place. The entrance to the keep consisted of a set of tall, wide and wooden double doors that led into the main hall. "Is going inside to say 'Hello' gonna be a part of your plan?"