Submitted/Accepted via DMs [hider=Farrah Day/Curie Heart] [hider=The Mundane] [hider=Appearance][img][/img] [url=]Source[/url][/hider] Name: Farrah Day Age: 31 Personality: Farrah is an introvert, confident in her work but shy with her colleagues and higher ups. She has a strong sense of justice, and is passionate with those she is close to, but she has a hard time reaching people or keeping them close. This has led to her seeming cold or aloof to those who aren't close to her, but warm and passionate, and sometimes clingy, to those who've managed to get past that. Backstory: Magical girls came into the light when Farrah was in grade school, and she'd been interested in the phenomenon ever since. Over the years, this turned from infatuation, to dreaming of being one, to trying to unlock the secrets of their magic through controlled experimentation and analysis, which in turn lead to her pursuit of a career in the sciences. Throughout her life, Farrah only ever experienced magical phenomena at a distance. No monsters attacked her hometown, none of her extended family were harmed, nothing. Magic seemed entirely detached from her reality until she reached university, and started working with one of her professors who was leading the charge to understand magic as a force within the world, Professor Ariel Jackson. Under Professor Jackson, a renowned physicist, she studied physical chemistry in an attempt to understand the forces and interactions at play between matter and the energy known as 'magic', though neither had made significant inroads even when working directly with Mascot assistance, leading to their team growing to include a variety of disciplines working under Dr. Jacksons leadership. One night, yet another late night at the lab, an experiment began to show results; that night would eventually mark the beginning of a new story, but we aren't there yet. Her most recent experiment began to react in a never-before-seen chain of reactions, and in her haste and excitement Farrah forgot to take certain precautions. This lead to the experiment reaching criticality and detonating, destroying the records Farrah had managed to make and wrecking much of the lab in the process as well as knocking Farrah herself out, only regaining consciousness when emergency services found her alive and mostly unharmed save a few scrapes and bruises, laying in a clean circle amongst the ruins of the lab along with the labs mascot, an albino lab rat with oddly purple eyes. Over the following weeks and months, Drs. Jackson & Day lead the team in trying to safely recreate the catastrophic experiment to little avail, the closest attempt having to be cancelled as the containment measures failed and the reaction nearly went critical. During this time, the lab had gained a mascot somewhere, the little rat, who had figured out how to get out of its cage and wander the lab without disturbing ongoing experiments and dangerous materials. The team originally tried to keep it in a succession of cages, but eventually conceded that their new mascot could wiggle its way out of any cage. One day, several months after the explosion, Farrah heard a voice in her mind. Her little lab rat, the friendly fuzzy-faced mascot of the lab, was speaking to her telepathically. It told her that in the months since the explosion, it had been recovering its power after saving Farrah and keeping the building intact, and was finally able to reveal its true identity as a magical Mascot. It said that it had originally been attracted to the team, and Farrah herself, by their dedication to their studies, instead of just giving up when the going got tough. Subject 01 had chosen Farrah Day, and the two of them bound their souls together in the name of scientific discovery, forming the magical girl Curie Heart. This did not lead to the rapid leaps forward that the team had hoped for, but the availability of a Magical Girl who also held a Doctorate of her own at least ensured smooth integration and the understanding of experimental procedures and the scientific method. Over the following 6 months, Farrah worked herself relentlessly, working both to advance their understanding of magic (very, very slowly to her chagrin), and to master her own powers as Curie Heart, which went far better. The other reason for Subject 01s choice became clear later, when monsters started to attack New York City and Curie Heart was needed to protect the people. Other Details: - Fluent in Spreadsheet - PhD in Physical Chemistry & Physics [/hider] [hider=The Magical] [hider=Appearance][img][/img] [url=]Source[/url][/hider] Transformed Name: Curie Heart General Powers/Theme: Physics Curie Heart passively generates motes of Mana that orbit her as if they were electrons in an atom. Minor Powers/Attacks (3. Small attacks and utility power, like D&D cantrips) - Atom Bolt: Farrah sends a mote of mana to strike her target. - Atomic Iris: Farrah can use this ability to discern the internal makeup and blueprint of an object not sufficiently shielded. Shielding is anything that would interfere with an x-ray machine or similar device (e.g. enough lead). - Atomic Reversal: Farrah can use a materials "memory" to try to revert it to a previous state. This can be used to mend wounds or damaged objects, but the longer it has been since the damage was done the harder it is to reverse, and the ability cannot create something from nothing (e.g. she can reattach an arm recently lost, but not grow a new arm on someone) Medium Powers/Attacks (2. Higher power moves) - Photon Lance: Farrah focuses multiple motes of Mana into a spinning spear of mana-infused photons that strikes her target at extreme speeds. Depending on how many motes and mana she pours into this, she can make a single lance or extend it into a barrage. - Newtons Cradle: Farrah uses her orbiting motes to passively or actively affect the area around her. Examples of passive effects would be slowing a fall or stopping a baseball bat swung by a normal person, while active effects could include flight, short-range telekinesis, or deflecting or outright halting ranged attacks. When used to defend herself, the ability costs more to stop more powerful attacks. Major Power/Attack (1. Signature move/finisher) - Hadron Smasher: Farrah focuses all of the motes orbiting her into a single, massive beam originating from her palm. This beam can annihilate most mundane materials, and will do serious damage to most magical materials as well, so she always needs to be sure she knows what is behind her target when she uses it. [hider=Transformation Item][img][/img][/hider] Other Details: Her transformation chant is [b]"By Dalton's model, by Newtons might, I fight to bring scientific light!"[/b] [/hider] [hider=The Mascot] [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Name: Subject #01 Personality: Subject 01 is incredibly curious about the physical world, and takes to new experiences, and experiments, with great zeal. He is enthusiastic and caring, always looking for new ways to help the team of researchers he works with and the magical girl he has partnered with. Other Details: Subject 01 is a relatively inexperienced Mascot, and as such is discovering the full extent of his powers as a Mascot while Farrah is discovering her own powers as a Magical Girl, and both treat it as a collaborative research project for better or for worse. When out and about, Subject 01 accompanies Farrah by hiding in her shirt pocket. [/hider] [/hider]