[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VMubzaX.png[/img] [color=peru][center][h2]Stratya Durmand[/h2][/center] Time:[/color] 24th, Morning [color=peru]Location:[/color] The Royal Stables → After that hound! [color=peru]Interactions:[/color] [color=peru]Mentions:[/color][/center] Blasted rain. That wasn’t going to make things any easier. Any blood she could have hoped to find would be washed away, unless this was done inside. She had the guard bring a hound as she investigated the head. She unsheathed a dagger from her hip and used that to probe the scene, while she considered things. The body wasn’t there, and there didn’t seem to be bloodstains about. This must have been done elsewhere. The head and sword were brought here to send a message. What message? She found herself with a lack of clear motive, again. Had the boy done something? Or was someone on a power trip? Perhaps both. She was getting an ominous feeling. Maybe she should have just stayed in bed this morning. A guard arrived in short order, appropriate for the castle grounds, and she explained to him, briefly. She needed this area, “[color=peru]quarant- eeh… cord’n’d off, nae one touches it; wha’ever camera is mos’ readily available to captahre it, then we can disman’le the scene. We cannae leave this stench so close to the castle, but we must preserve as much information as we cahn. I'll wan’ a camera to follow the dog, as well, fahr when we fin’ th’body. Go.[/color]” It left her with time to think. She could follow the scent from the sword, but that could just be a manipulated hand, someone who did the dirty work, and there was no guarantee that that scent would be reliable. The sword may have been handled much over time, and have many scents mixed in. The head, however, would have one overbearing scent, separate from the others, impossible to ignore. That was it, then. The scent from the head. Once handed a hound, she greeted the beast and directed its attention to what she needed. This scent, here. [color=peru]Despite the rain and these conditions, pup, I [I]need[/I] you to follow this.[/color] would the hound be able to find and follow the scent, despite the rain?