[color=lightgray][center][h2][color=Brown]⛮[/color] [color=Bisque]Milo St. Claire[/color] [color=Brown]⛮[/color] & [color=F8A4C6]Countess Melanie Monet[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/s3yWzqk.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][color=F8A4C6]Location:[/color] The Sorian Grand Hotel on Wulfric Road [color=bisque]Time:[/color] Morning [color=F8A4C6]Music playing on the Danophone(an experimental brand new invention)[/color][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt6m63ylw-g&ab_channel=divrted[/youtube][/center] [center][color=red][h3]CONTENT WARNING: SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE THEME[/h3][/color][/center] The brunette had been leaning over the billiards table, her hands gripping the edge until her knuckles turned white. Her deep burgundy dress, slightly disheveled, had its skirts swept over her back. The soft glow of the ceiling light accentuated the curve of her neck, where a single bead of sweat glistened, slowly trailing down to meet the fabric. The soles of her feet met the ground after a deep sigh. Her breath was still slightly uneven as she rose from her bent position. The dress fell back into place, brushing gently against the carpeted floor. She reached for the pool cue, her fingers provocatively brushing against the polished wood. [color=F8A4C6]“Your technique, Mr. St. Claire,”[/color] Melanie said, her voice a soft murmur, tinged with a hint of amusement, [color=F8A4C6]“It is truly… inspiring.”[/color] She had spent the last hour in Milo’s suite room at The Sorian Grand Hotel while her husband had been at the church ceremony with the children. And to say it had been time well spent would be the understatement of the century. Milo’s hands still firmly grasped Melanie’s waist even as the woman rose from where he bent her over the table. His eyes, however, were still resting on the majesty of the portrait he painted for her the evening before. Countess Monet was truly a work of art in her own right, but nothing…not a single thing had ever been more beautiful to Milo than his art. His perfectly toned body, a masterpiece of its own, not unlike the sculptures of marble and clay that he brought into this world through his brilliance, glistened under the soft light as he moved back an inch or two so that his admirer could fully maneuver to a standing position. It wasn’t until she turned to address him, her fingers grasping the pool cue in familiar fashion, that his eyes fell from the portrait to meet her gaze. [color=Bisque]“My dear beauty…Intimacy is just as much an art form as painting or sculpting, and one thing is for certain…I take my art [i]very seriously.[/i]”[/color] Milo expressed with kind eyes and a seductively devilish grin. He reached for her, allowing his fingers to gently wrap around her neck like they had been only moments prior. Leaning down, his lips stopped mere inches from her ear and his voice lowered to barely a whisper as he continued, [color=Bisque]“Pleasure is a good look on you, Countess Monet. Remember whose [i]technique[/i] it was that gave you such ecstasy. You are more than welcome to come create such art with me whenever you get the craving for more.”[/color] Her dark eyes locked onto Milo’s with an intensity that matched his own.[color=F8A4C6] “My dear Milo,”[/color] she purred in a voice laced with desire, a sultry smile playing on her lips,[color=F8A4C6] “your artistry knows no bounds, whether it be on canvas or in the flesh. You paint pleasure with the skill of a true master, and I am but your willing muse.”[/color] Her hand rose, fingers trailing sensually up his arm, tracing the path that led to where his hand rested on her neck. Melanie’s words of admiration washed over Milo like rays of well-earned sunlight. As her fingers trailed up his arm, he moved to press a kiss against her lips that crescendoed into a gentle bite, which caused her to giggle, before he addressed her claims. [color=Bisque]“Oh, you were not only willing… You were eager.”[/color] He stated with a confident smile. With his fingers still wrapped around her neck, he turned Countess Monet’s gaze over to her portrait. [color=Bisque]”Now do me a favor and look upon the culmination of that very muse. Isn’t it beautiful?”[/color] Milo asked, his words full of passion. [color=F8A4C6] “It is beautiful,” [/color] Melanie whispered breathily. Her eyes traced the lines of the painting, capturing the essence of her beauty through Milo’s masterful strokes. [color=F8A4C6] “For years, I have felt as though I have faded into the shadows… I have felt so unappreciated.”[/color] Her voice saddened only slightly and only for a brief moment. [color=F8A4C6] “But your art, Milo… your art makes me feel seen, truly seen, as if I might be beautiful once more.”[/color] She turned her gaze back to him, [color=F8A4C6] “You have awoken a part of me that I thought was lost. Through your eyes, I am more than just a woman; I am a masterpiece.”[/color] [color=Bisque]”Indeed you are, my muse. You are an absolute masterpiece worthy of being immortalized through my art. I’m glad to know that I have inspired such confidence in you. Perhaps I can awaken even more of your radiance if you have time for a little more [i] fine-tuning [/i] before your husband returns?”[/color] [color=F8A4C6] “As tempting as that is, I need to get going, unfortunately. It’ll have to wait until next time. Thank you again for all this.”[/color] Melanie informed him with a disappointed look in her eyes. She moved to slip her heels back on as she continued, [color=F8A4C6] “...Oh and Mr. St. Claire, what’s that device you have playing music? I have never seen such a thing.”[/color] Milo flashed her a playful pout as he retrieved his pants from the back of the couch and pulled them up as she spoke. [color=Bisque]“It was my pleasure, Countess Monet. You certainly proved to be a much more enjoyable session than the one I had with King Edin the other day. His Majesty wishes he could possess half the natural splendor you do.”[/color] He said half in jest. [color=Bisque]”But regarding the music…speaking of the King, the device is called a danophone believe it or not. The pompous ass just can’t help himself, can he?” [/color] [color=F8A4C6] “Must be new! I’ll be fetching myself one real soon… I’ll see you at our next session, Milo dear.”[/color] She turned and gave him a wink. [color=F8A4C6] “If it wasn’t for my husband being such a stick in the mud, I’d ask to plan our next session here and now.”[/color] Milo approached her one final time, raising a hand to brush a stray lock of hair behind her ear. [color=Bisque]”If your husband wasn’t such a bore, I’d suggest you bring him with you next time.”[/color] He stated with a wink of his own. [color=Bisque]”But alas, until then, my beauty.” [/color] In reply, the countess giggled and planted a kiss on his cheek before making her departure. As he watched the Countess walk away, Milo let his gaze slip back to the portrait. He admired every inch of his work as he pondered the truth. There was nothing special about Melanie Monet. Countess or not, she was nothing but another of his adoring fangirls throwing herself at him to be used for his pleasure. Just another canvas for him to work his magic. To Melanie, this was the best day of her life. To Milo, it was just another Monday. What was special, however, was the portrait in front of him. He truly was a master of his craft, a paragon of artistic brilliance that deserved for his works to be cherished and remembered throughout time like the legends of his field. He knew exactly how good he was as he looked over his creation with glee. The portrait of Edin he had done in the days prior was a sight to behold, but this portrait was overflowing with muse and inspiration. After a moment, Milo broke away to pour himself a whiskey on the rocks and draped his unbuttoned shirt over himself as he made his way over to the balcony. His figure was so perfectly highlighted by the light of the sun that no wonder he had gained the nickname Mr. Sunshine. Looking out over his beautiful view of Sorian, he let his eyes meet every building, every person walking the streets and going about their day. He smiled as he took it all into view. This city would be the place where he would truly cement his legacy. In time, there would not be a single person here that did not know the name Milo St. Claire. [/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rnpihdz.png[/img][/center]