The short answer for all the ‘how is X going to get along with Great Betrayer, The’ is ‘probably not going to at first, but mutual usefulness is a hell of a drug’. The medium answer is ‘in a world of neutrality connected to the other aligned planes, you always want the devil you know on your shoulder’. Especially when he wants to bash the other actual devils with a hammer. The long answer is actually the shortest; ‘I have no predictions’. We’ll have to see how folks react to the Drow equivalent of an edgy teenager with too much physical strength and ambition for his station. I hold to a firm rule of OOC chatter and consent, I won’t do anything directly opposed to the party or another player without pitching it first; the social contract trumps any ‘what would my character do?’isms. He’s evil for the sake of alignment and perspective for the roleplay, not for me to murderhobo and ruin the party etc etc so on and so forth. He may do things independently but I ain’t here to ruin anybody else’s fun.