[CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/fancy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240430/388174d50bcf1dad4ebdf9e28924cc0c.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/7abc153ac9a04ba086da1f20c04239fd/tumblr_inline_o5foqvrhar1sotrar_250.gifv[/img][/url] [/CENTER] [sub][color=#6a5acd]Interacts with:[/color] [color=#999999]Kassandra-[@Vicier][/color][/sub] [hr] [indent] The gentle strains of classical music wafted through the snug living room, creating a serene backdrop as Jordan “Jae” Ellis applied the finishing touches to their latest work of art. The living room had been their haven today, a place where creativity could be seen blossoming amidst the comforting embrace of freshly brewed coffee’s aroma and the subtle scent of oil paints. Shafts of sunlight streamed in, bathing the room in a warm, golden light and illuminating the art supplies that lay in a seemingly haphazard arrangement that only Jae could decipher. Easels, canvases, and jars brimming with brushes were strategically placed, and the walls served as a gallery of Jae’s completed works, each containing its own unique story or message. At the kitchen table, Andrea Ellis, Jae’s mother, was immersed in grading her elementary school students’ art projects. She looked up, her face lighting up with a tender smile as she observed her daughter, lost in the flow of creation. [color=#999999]“That piece is turning out to be extraordinary, Jae. I’m looking forward to seeing the final result,” [/color]she remarked, her voice rich with pride and affection. Andrea’s steadfast support had always been a pillar of strength in Jae’s life, and her profound grasp of Jae’s artistic fervour had forged an indomitable connection between them. One Jae hoped that would never break. They only had each other, after all. Jae paused, their smile radiant as they met their mother’s gaze. [color=#6a5acd]“Thanks, Mom. It’s nearly complete—just a bit more refinement needed.”[/color] After wiping their hands on a rag stained with the history of many colours, Jae ambled towards the kitchen for a well-deserved coffee break. Along the way, a tabby cat named Picasso danced around their feet, purring with satisfaction. A thoughtful present from Andrea on Jae’s fifteenth birthday, Picasso had become an ever-present muse during nocturnal drawing marathons, influencing many of Jae’s creations. [color=#999999]“Picasso seems quite taken with it,” [/color]Andrea said with a light laugh, her eyes following the playful cat. [color=#999999]“Looking forward to the party tonight?”[/color] she inquired, her eyes twinkling with anticipation, aware of how much Jae cherished hanging out with her classmates—precious interludes that would grow rarer as the final year of school approached, heralding new duties and the poignant threshold of graduation. Jae nodded, the warmth of the coffee seeping into their being. [color=#6a5acd]“Absolutely. It’s going to be great connecting with everyone before the whirlwind of senior year catches us.”[/color] While speaking, Jae’s gaze swept over the living room, mentally cataloging any items they might need for the evening. The notion of showing up with their arms swinging just didn’t sound right to them. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to call Kass and ask, Jae figured. Andrea’s expression softened with maternal pride as she watched Jae. [color=#999999]“You’ve always been so dedicated, dear…but sometimes it’s ok to try other things. And no I don’t mean other projects.” [/color]she advised softly, [color=#999999]“Life isn’t solely about the art you produce, but also the memories you forge and the companionship you enjoy along the way.”[/color] Glancing at their watch, Jae acknowledged the wisdom behind their mother’s words with a small smile. This was not the first time they’d talked about this but Jae knew it was best not to push it. Not unless they wanted to be here all evening. [color=#6a5acd]“You’re right, as always. I should head out soon though—I’ll probably need to stop by the store on the way.” [/color] Andrea’s nod was filled with a blend of pride and maternal care. [color=#999999]“Ever the planner—that’s my Jae. Try to enjoy yourself tonight though, and stay safe.”[/color] With a swift, heartfelt hug, Jae absorbed the comfort of Andrea’s embrace. [color=#6a5acd]“I appreciate it, Mom. I’ll be fine.” [/color]They picked up their trusty canvas bag, tucking their sketchbook inside, and headed for the door. Picasso issued a soft farewell meow as Jae stooped for a brief ear scratch. [color=#6a5acd] “Take care, Picasso. Behave yourself.”[/color] Securing the front door behind them, Jae retrieved their phone, thumbing through the contacts for a number that had remained unused until now—for reasons other than this. [color=#6a5acd]“Hey…”[/color] Jae’s voice wavered slightly, a mix of hesitation and anticipation colouring their tone. Kassandra had been a reliable friend in academic endeavours, but this was uncharted territory. [color=#6a5acd]“I was wondering… would you like me to bring anything along? I’m happy to stop by the store on my way.”[/color] [/indent]