[color=silver][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/ZX8Nhy1.png[/img] [hider=💀][color=silver][center]20 | Female | Maverick Alternative | [s]So[/s](ME)[s]thing[/s] On Your Mind Kiss & Make Up | Handgun | Physical | We Are But Dust and Shadow Hellspawn | Streetside Devil Friends on the Other Side | Shadow | Abyssus Abyssum Invocat [Obfuscate, Intangible] Damage X (6), Restrain (4), Blink (4), Minor Heal (2), Summon (4), Enhance (2), Powerful (0), Homing (2), Avoid (2), AoE (2), Bend (0), Construction (4) DAMAGE: B | SPEED: C | SENTINEL: E | 1000 PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: D | CHAOS: E | 784[/center][/color][/hider][/CENTER] Man, the briefing wasn't kidding. This guy really [i]was [/i]a wuss. Ciri was already annoyed by the flighty lizard [i]before [/i]he turned around and busted through a solid wall; being left in both literal and figurative dust in her target's wake made her [i]furious[/i]. [i]That's[/i] what she got for trying to be nice? And after she'd come up with such a punny greeting, too! Seriously, the hell, some people had no tact. Cursing under her breath, Ciri wiped dust and debris from her face and hair, narrowed eyes scanning for the escaped target with a frustrated desperation. If she failed her first mission in a while, she was never going to hear the fucking end of it — and she was [i]not [/i]about to be assigned more fucking paperwork. So where [i]was [/i]that piss-coloured lizardfac— [i]There[/i]. Getting to his feet and making for a staircase leading upstairs. Probably trying to get to the roof so he could transform and fly away. Or maybe not. Who knew what went on in his head, if anything. But whatever he was planning to do, she [i]was [/i]going to foil it. With a flick of her wrist, she guided her gorilla to the outer wall of the building and hopped onto its shoulders, wordlessly commanding it to scale up the side of the hotel. She had no doubt it was faster than a panicked dragon stumbling up some stairs, and could probably overtake the guy. Then all she needed was any kind of entrance; a window, an emergency exit, [i]anything [/i]to bust in through and tackle the dragon to the ground. Hell, they'd break through a window to one of the guest rooms if they had to. Give the rich fucks inside something to cry about while at it. She [i]could [/i]always just phase through the wall, too, but she preferred to conserve her mana for now. She'd need it to pummel her quarry. As for [i]It[/i], stirring, impatient, she nodded towards the hole left in the wall. Someone had to make sure the dragon didn't just turn around or slip out of their sight into one of the rooms while they were climbing. They needed someone on its tail. They needed a hound. She thought her instructions more than said them, connected to her partner beyond language. But the idea could very well be summed up as:[i] [color=#7e4393]"Fetch."[/color][/i][/color]