[color=007236][centre][h2]Berserker[/h2][/centre][/color] [i]That[/i] was how the war began? A conflict between legends displaced in time, to lay claim to a wish that could alter the course of the world? It didn’t seem appropriate, but at the same time maybe it was all a war fought in secret in back alleys and abandoned buildings deserved. His master asked if he had any abilities that would let his act as scout or lookout in this war; unfortunately he did not. Though he had the skills of a trained warrior, which included some amount of tracking and such, it was far below what was useful in a conflict like this. His death as a rampaging mad man and rebirth as the same had not given him anything new in that area. [color=007236]“No. My skills will only show their worth in direct combat.”[/color] [@Iamme]