Everything felt excruciatingly slow, just sat alone on the sofa her hands fiddling with themselves out of something to do to try and distract herself. Her mind was racing, so many thoughts running through it that she could feel a headache forming. Stressing herself out for no reason and as she sat on the sofa, she couldn’t help but wish for it to swallow her hole. Finding herself shrinking a little lower in the sofa Iris could feel the eyes on her even as she forced herself to stare at the television. Not that it helped as she was very much aware of her surroundings. Even as she focused on the television, she wasn’t taking in what was playing, her mind was elsewhere, and she hadn’t even noticed Cas had finally approached. It wasn’t until she felt him sit down next to her that she snapped out of the daze she had been, trying not to look too startled as he took her hand. Feeling the warmth of him lean into her she couldn’t help but look at their hands, a sense of unease creeping in. Was it really okay for them to be so open about this? Moments ago, he had been courting another princess, and now she was here he was openly holding her hand. Leaning into her side? Proving to Jacob he had made his choice even if it may have been the bad one, because she understood why she couldn’t be in his life anymore. Yet somehow, they had been drawn back together. [color=f49ac2]“No need to apologise, really. It is partly my fault too. I’m sorry for that, for uprooting everything. Again.”[/color] Whispering under her breath in return, not wanting to be too loud as they already had such a wide audience. Though having Cas next to her did ease her worries, even if just a little bit. At least she didn’t feel totally alone in this small safe house. Feeling his grip on her hand tighten she couldn’t help but grip it back, it felt surreal being here with him. It was wrong, she should have stayed away and had she not been caught being reckless in that shop, it would have been different. It was clear Jacob hadn’t realised she had left his condo, she wondered if she hadn’t been caught how long it would have taken him to realise, she was no longer there? Trying to push out all the thoughts she knew there was no use in thinking on the what ifs, or what could have been. It would only cause her to spiral and right now she had to count her blessings, she had been taken to Cas and it was clear he still cared for her like she had him. She had to trust she would be safe with him, that he would protect her. [color=f49ac2]“I’m sorry, for making this such a messy situation for you.”[/color] A gentle apology left her lips again, because truly she had not wanted to cause such havoc by reappearing. That had not been her intention.