Astrid, Raiden, Ryuji, Sabrina, Selena and The twins as Astrid, Raiden, Ryuji, Sabrina, and The twins all gathered around to her to listen to Rogue tell the story of the 14 spirits it became clear that Theresa was planning something pretty big Astrid Raiden and the twins where not happy about working with stone and the others but they knew they had no choice Selena shied when stone decided to let everyone come with them to the castle she thought she they could handle it by themselves as she looked to stone "Stone we dont need Rogue to show us the way as Dagur knew where to find the castle and now i have his memories i can lead us there" she said this hopping to change stones mind about taking the others with them but she didn't think it would work Stone could be as stubborn as a rock when he wanted to be