Eh, not your fault. I probably should've elaborated further upon my tech and characters for all of the non-FTL players out there. Still, as it stands, I feel the Osprey seems the most integrally weakest; whereas people have entire platoons of soldiers and hundreds of crew ready to serve their well-armed ship, I have a vessel with a grand total of five guns and all of seven multi-species people manning it. Given, though, a ship from FTL's universe says that ship systems are so sophisticated that they would only need one person apiece to operate each one, and in some cases not even that, seeing as how there are some ships that can literally end up flying themselves. Plus any ship that can upgrade engines Level 8 can get up to a 48% evasion rate, which make my Osprey able to sit on... what, 35% evasion, as of now? I guess what I'm saying is that as soon as I get boarded by more people than I have crew, I'm pretty well fucked. Granted, the only people that can teleport people like that are the Trekkies, and even then to a limited extent... Hm. I really don't know.