Victor paced back and forth, nervously wringing his hands. He had locked himself in his personal hotel room but he knew he couldn't stay there for long. While he didn't think there'd be a problem with anything getting inside, his primary problem was with himself. Hunger. Other than a snack sized package of potato chips he had eaten a few hours earlier, his room was completely devoid of food. Victor also figured it was only a matter of time until the pipes quit running without anyone to maintain them. Not to mention, he wasn't about to drink any of it anyway. Who could tell it wasn't something in the water that had caused all this? Weighing his options, he decided he'd have to make a run for the kitchen, grab all the food and bottled water he possibly could, and then return to his room and hunker down until it was all over. Searching for a weapon, Victor had an idea. In a section of his closet, was a few rusty old pipes still attached to the wall because the hotel owner hadn't hired anyone to disconnect them yet. Using all of his strength, Victor managed to rip out a particularly thick section of pipe to use as a makeshift weapon in case his mission for food went south. Gripping it in his hands, Victor tapped it experimentally against his leg. It was old, heavy, and full of lead. Perfect for bludgeoning someone chasing after him. Putting an unsteady hand on the thick wooden door to the hallway outside of his room, Victor took a deep breath and readied the pipe on his shoulder. He was ready to go. He swung the door wide open and dashed out of his room. In the back of his mind, he almost hoped he wouldn't have to return.