Louis ran down the hall clutching his knife in his right and covering the bite wound with his free hand. The yelling creatures were still chasing after him and he was doing everything to evade them. Knocking over any luggage cart still standing. When he reached the end of the hallway and he tackled it as hard as he could, forced it open, and as soon as he was on the other side he closed it just as quickly and shoved a nearby maintenance cart in front of it. He leaned against the cart with a relieved sigh. Now that the adrenaline was starting to leave he noticed he was in the front lobby and could finally see the full damage. Corpses littered the room and it was almost impossible to find a spot that was covered in blood. "What the hell is going on here?" The front desk phone started ringing. as soon as the noise broke the silence of the room he saw one of the corpses start stirring. "Oh fuck my life."