Recca walked over to 3rn and Alexis, "Now now, what ever happened in history is suppose to happen. Remember Tommy is known to be the greatest ranger in history." He said in a soft voice. Recca looked over to Abagan, "I understand what you are saying, but we need to find our contact here first before we involve them in anymore stuff. So far nothing has changed cause spit fire was still beat by them." Hoping 3rn would lower her weapon even, but Recca was kinda puzzled by her action when she used him as a spring board to attack even tho she say she cant trust him. Women he figured. Recca turned to the rangers, "Well I suppose its time we introduced ourselves p... whats going on?" Recca had that feeling of teleportation from when they went threw the time shifter. And the same feeling over came the others as well. After a few seconds they all suddenly appeared in the command center, "Ai ay ay Zordon, They are Rangers. Looks they entered the command center." Alpha said, when Recca regained his composure he looked up at the huge floating head. "So, your Zordon." He said staring at him. He looked back to see if the others were ok.