[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/97/76/d2/9776d2fb5b94b1c57a37730a99955944.jpg[/img] Name: Ava Miller Gender: Female Ethnicity: German and French Birth and Death date: Born: October 27, 1991 and Dies: August 18, 2082 Psychological Profile: Ava is the definition of reckless. Look it up in the dictionary and you'll see a picture of her flipping off the camera. She usually has no regard for rules and prefers to follow her own path and do her own thing. Versus doing what people want her to do. It's gotten her in a lot of trouble in the past but, she's always lived by her own way. She can also come off as reserved and prefers to not think of other people. Except herself and the rest of her family. However, don't think she is socially awkward or a loner. She is actually quite charming and is good at getting what she wants. She's also a talented liar and is skilled at manipulation. It's important to know and emphasize your strengths. And one of her strengths happens to be lying and manipulation. But, don't think she's a bad person because she isn't. Thing is, she isn't good but, she isn't bad. She prefers to be in the middle ground. She is actually a very nice person once you get to know her and if you earn her trust you'll be able to see just how loyal and dedicated she can be. She's a little rough around the edges but, once you get to know her you'll see just how great she is. She is also very smart. She graduated high-school at a young age and briefly tried out college. Wasn't her thing though. She has a love and passion for machines of all types so, she decided to be a mechanic. With a few side jobs as a hacker when she needs some extra money. Anyway, that's her. Backstory: Ava was born into a wealthy family. A successful fashion designer as a mother and a hard-working lawyer as a father. She also had a lovely older brother who looked after her with a cautious eye. She was born into the picture perfect family and she was happy. And she thought her parents were happy as well. She was wrong. Her parents always were thought of as perfect. Successful in their careers, a charming son who was nothing less of a gentlemen and their squeaky clean life. Then, Ava came along. And she was the exact opposite. She had tattoos, got in trouble at school, dressed in a "bad" way and was a so-called blemish on the family. According to the press, or at least at first. But, Ava is smart. Genius level intellect and so, the press chose to call her a shame. Waste of potential. Her parents tried to change her attitude, mannerisms, clothes and everything that made Ava herself but, she refused. She wasn't going to change who she was for the press. For people she obviously didn't care about. So, she left home when she was 17 and moved to London. She'd already graduated high-school a year before. She bought a nice apartment for herself. And got a job as a mechanic. With a few illegal side jobs. She still talked with her parents on a regular basis and her brother as well. She loves them but, it's better she just gets away from all the fame and stuff. So, that's why she changed her name to Ava. Hardly anyone saw her so she wouldn't be recognized. She lived out her life quietly and happily. Fount a great guy, eventually got married at 30 and had 2 kids at 32 and 35. She enjoyed her life, albeit felt something was off. But, she ignored it. And she eventually died at age 91 of old age. And that was the end of her story. That is, of course until she was taken from her time period at age 21 and given the adventure of a lifetime. Family: Mom: Sandra Sake Father: Christopher Sake Brother: Joseph Sake Husband: Michael Miller Son: Victor Miller Daughter: Emily Miller Items: A Phone, a Laptop, Gum, 2 Paper Clips and $20. (The clothes on her back of course.) Translator Object: A necklace.