I'm sorry for inactivity but let me run you through this past two days for me. Get up at about 5:30 for weight lifting for football at 6:00. Then at about 11:00 go down to my great grandparents old house (which my family is trying to sell) and mow the lawn and weed choked garden that hasn't been touched in two years. Then at 3:30 I walk down to the wrestling room (not far from grandparents just across the street) for a two hour summer practice. Not sure if anyone here wrestles but the practice Is not easy. Plus for the first time in the past month we have been "blessed" with clear skies and sunny weather. I'm clear this weekend though I'll have something up. And don't worry things with the house will settle down fast and I'll have more time and energy. Also sorry for complaining so much. I just needed to rant. (Will probably regret this message in the morning)