[@omerta] [u]Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I hope these answers satisfy your questions! [/u] 1} How do RAS members contact each other (both within base and when on the same planet)? Do they carry contraptions similar to our modern-day cellphones, bluetooth earpieces, or pagers? Or maybe something similar to Douglas Quaid's in-hand cellular device from the 2012 film Total Recall? And what about between further distances such as from planet to planet (I'm talking from individual to individual, not something like getting a message from base or something like that)? Can someone/anyone have a device that like in their home? [b][quote]Hm, haven't really thought about this one to much. I would imagine people carry something like a smart phone or may have a device more like a bluetooth headset. Officers would carry a military issued communication device that would be similar to a cell phone. These would only be good for communication with anyone on the planet or perhaps ships / space stations in orbit. Planet to planet communications would be a bit more involved. The device for that would be larger, not something you carry around. These would be fairly available on bases and in government buildings. Civilians could have them but not necessarily everyone would, since they are more expensive. Also, if a civilian ever wanted to contact an officer on their military communicator they would need a security access code. [/quote][/b] 2} Can a regular citizen become immortal through Rebirth/Living Project or is that restricted solely for soldiers and government use? [b][quote]You either have to be in the military or a very important person in the government to be able to be part of either program. I suppose if you were rich enough you could probably secretly bribe your way in but that's unlikely.[/quote] [/b] 3} Do soldiers live full-time on whatever base they're stationed at or do they have their own homes,come by base while on active-duty, and return back when off-duty? [b] [quote]In most cases soldiers are stationed on base. This will vary somewhat depending on rank and marital status though. Higher ranking officers don't necessarily have to stay on base. The military is usually willing to provide them with much nicer living quarters if they wish to stay on base. If an officer is married to a civilian (And even more likely if they have children) their commanding officers are likely willing to allow them to live near by off base as long as they are on base while on duty. [/quote] [/b] 4} Can the Rebirth/Living Project reincarnation process be affected by distances? For example, if someone dies planets away from the nearest station as opposed to dying just feet away from the machine, will that change anything? [b][quote]Yes, distance affects the time it takes to download into a new body. If you are the furthest away from your clones than it could take a day or two for you to download. However, if you are within close proximity to your clone(s) than you will download almost immediately. It will take a few minutes. Since the creation of Rebirth they have been constantly working on decreasing download times. The UKD has slightly faster download times for those in their Living project. [/quote][/b] 5} When was the first "Rebirth" machine made, when did the testing start, when was the first successful experiment, and what is the current year? [b][quote]The current year is 12, 460. Rebirth development and experiments began in 12, 402 and 8 years later in 12, 410 Rin Monroe successfully went through Rebirth. Little to no documents remain, or were written in the first place, about Rebirth extermination. The RAS government and military decline to answer anymore questions on the matter. [/quote][/b]