[center][h1][color=004b80]Eric Fenris "Wolf"[/color][/h1][/center] "Man, this is gonna be a rough ride," I say to myself as I rummage through my bags to make sure that everything is still there. 'Cigars, dog food, dog brush, underwear, ammo, cleaning kit, soap, cloths, cloths, more cloths.' I say in my head as I push everything around. 'Field repair kit, chew toy, ah, I knew I had it!' Smiling to my self a little lopsided as the scar on the left side of my face stretches, and pulled out a bottle of whiskey from the bag. "Ah! thought I forgot to bring you." Holding up the bottle and kissing it. A dog barks loudly behind me, causing me to turn with a bigger smile. "And of course you too, baby girl," I say with a small laugh, petting Lea's furry head, the bottle of whiskey in my prosthetic. Her tail thumping against the ground as she barked happily again. "Right then, shall we get to this bloody ship?" I ask Lea before cramming everything back in my bags and hoisting them onto my shoulder. My prosthetic arm whirring quietly as the servos and gears move to lift the bags, and grabbing my rifle with my real arm. Marching up the hanger where the transport is housed I take a look around at some of the others as they came around as well. It was a pretty big group for this mission. Lots of those Rebirth soldiers too. 'This better be some good damned information,' I think as I keep moving forward. I can see Lea following me happily out of the corner of my eye. Pausing real quick I lean my rifle against my leg and pull a half-smoked cigar from a pocket inside my jacket. Lighting it with a wood match and puffing a couple times before picking my rifle up once again. The hanger was large, as I expected, but I found the transport easily enough. Along with the big wig herself, Rin. She looked young, but she's one of them Rebirth people, so she could easily be allot older than me. Still, the pink hair is kinda cute. "Oi, Cap'n, where can I stow my lady here while we're on this boat?" I ask Rin in a loud, although muffled tone, with the cigar gripped in my teeth. My head nodding towards Lea as she looked around excited at everything.