[hider=Background of Justin and Rin] It roughly 20 years ago, the RAS launched a massive attack on Haxon, deploying troops both on the ground and in the sky. Tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians were killed. An important goal of the battle was to extract several large groups of refugees located all over the planet. The coordinates for each pickup weren't determined until the last moment to avoid the UKD from discovering them and slaughtering every last man, woman, and child. The all important task of delivering the pickup coordinates rested in the hands of Lt. Commander Monroe. On her way to deliver this very important information she was caught in a fire fight between several UKD Predators and RAS Vipers. Sparing the details of the fight, Rin got shot down. Bane and his team were the closest to where she crashed and went to investigate. Upon finding her alive Bane reached down his hand and said, "Hi my name is Shelia, I like long walks on the beach and getting lost in the rain." to lighten the seriousness of the moment. After pulling her out of the half destroyed ship they radioed their Commander for orders. Immediately they were ordered to completely destroy her ship and get her back to base, all while drawing as little attention as possible. Bane orders his team to carry on in the battle while he and Bolshevik took Rin to the base. Unknown to Bane and his team, Rin had the coordinates to where the refugees were going to be extracted. As the made their way through the blood soaked battle fields they learned many things about each other. What exactly happened is a secrete that neither will ever speak of. All that can be said is that they came out the other end as good friends. After completing their mission they parted ways and haven't spoken since. [/hider] [color=f26522][center][h2] Justin "Bane' Case[/h2][/center][/color] Prologue. I've spent three weeks on the top of this mountain. Watching, waiting for the right moment to let loose the round. This isn't just an assassination, this is also recon. Recon isn't my favorite thing to do but it has to be done. I've watched multiple targets over the past three weeks. I know almost everything about them. How they drink their coffee, when they take a shit in the morning, who they're sleeping with. I know who these people are when no one is looking. I won't feel bad about killing these people. I watch all of my targets are gathered in the same conference room. I have to wait for the right moment. Three people, two rounds. Two of them were sitting a cross from each other. Plus a third at the end of the table. I slow my breathing, long measured breaths. I do everything I can to control the adrenaline and my heart rate. I draw one deep breath and pull the trigger. I get the two sitting across from each other. I have less than three seconds to get back on target and pull the trigger. I watch as the round pulls slightly to the right but thankfully, it still finds its mark. I watch the back of his head explode and I know I had finger too deep in the well. It's a rookie mistake that I shouldn't make. [color=f26522]"At least he'll have an open casket."[/color] I say to myself. I touched my ear. A long rage radio in the form of nanotechnology. With this I can communicate with any radio without ever moving my lips. It was all a matter of finding the right frequency. [color=f26522] "Command, this is TF Zephyr. How copy?" [/color] "Zephyr this is Command, we read loud and clear. Give us a sitrep." [color=f26522] "All targets are accounted for. I'm ready to wrap up here. All data has been transmitted." [/color] "Rodger that Zephyr, bring it on home. You're being reassigned to Commander Rin Lee Monroe. You'll get a couple of days of rest before getting back out into the field. She requested you for a classified mission" "..." I have to process what my CO has just told me. Rin Lee? Monroe? I haven't seen her for what? Twenty years now, that sounds right. There was good reason mind you. What happened back then... You don't forget something like that. "Zephyr this is Command. Acknowledge." They demanded from me. [color=f26522] "Command this is Zephyr, I acknowledge, Commander Monroe, female, pink hair, about 5'10. Prettier than sin, call sign Valkyrie?" [/color] "That's her Zephyr, sounds like you know her." [color=f26522] "Something like that... This is TF Zephyr. Rodger wilco. I'm heading home." [/color]I don't know whats going on right but I don't like it. I start inching my way out off the mountain. I just killed a couple of people. Killing them was the easy part. Getting away was the hard part. They are gonna come looking for me. I need to watch my step till I can back into the safe zone. From there I can start to really move. The next day. I made it to the base in just twelve hours ago. I did my after action reports and turned them in. I now find myself in the bathroom, first time in what seems like a couple of months. Was it that long? I can't remember. When I look in the mirror I see a man that looks like shit. Tired and beaten up. Its nothing that some rest won't fix. I'll get that on the way to meeting Rin Lee. As I pack my things into my duffle bags. I can't help but notice the dust on everything. I've spent too much time out in the field . It's a reminder that my job never seems to end. Maybe I should slow down a little. Maybe this reassignment won't be the worst thing ever. When I finish packing and head to my shuttle. I'm not sure where I'm going but this will get me there. A medic comes up and gives me an injection, something to help me sleep. They know I don't do well on these things. When I come to there's a stack of folders next me. Dossiers on the people I'll be working with. Information is little to say the least, name, rank, picture and job descriptions. There isn't enough information for me to idea of anyone but one question keeps coming to mind. Is this a combat group or a modeling group? The people here are way to pretty. I get the feeling we're not going to kill people as much as do fundraising and bullshit moral raising. I set down the folders and motion for the medic to dose me up again. This time I'll sleep till arrive. At least this way I don't have to worry about being a fucking model. [h2][color=f26522]Three days later.[/color][/h2] I wake up only to find that the ship has landed. It'll be another hour or so before I can get the answers I am looking for. I use this time to hit the bathroom and get cleaned up. I'd hate to look bad as I show my ass for the first time. Thankfully I'm wearing civilian clothes. I can hide my rank and use it to my advantage. When I step off the transport ship, I'm greeted by an Ensign. I feel bad this kid. I'm gonnna use him for everything he's got. He welcoming, and has a warm smile. I almost hate to do this. [color=f26522]"Commander Rin Lee Monroe! Get me there!"[/color] I barked. That warm smile turns into a fearful one. "Yes sir!." He says with a salute and leads me to who I wanna see. I get walked over just a few bays, just a crossed the hanger. I was saddened to see that I wasn't gonna get to mess with more people. I shout my instruction for all the others to follow. "Officer on deck!" I shout. "If all yall would be so kind as to give me and the commander a few moments... Now go! Go! Go!" I watch them jump to their feet and head for the door. As I wait move next to Rin Lee Monroe. A horrible idea crossing my mind and I just can't help myself. I begin to sing. [center] [color=f26522] Cruisin Down The Street In My Six-Fo'' Jockin The Bitches, Slappin The Hoes Went To The Park To Get The Scoop Knuckleheads Out There Cold, Shootin Some Hoops A Car Pulls Up, Who Can It Be A Fresh El Camino Rollin Kilo G He Rolled Down His Window And He Started To Say Its All About Makin That G.T.A. Coz The Boys In The Hood Are Always Hard You Come Talkin That Trash, We'll Pull Ya Card Knowin' Nutin In Life But To Be Legit' Dont Quote Me Boy Coz I Aint Said Shit [/color] [/center] As the last one leaves I realize that may have gotten a little to into it. I look at Rin Lee. I'm not exactly sure how I should be feeling. She is prettier than I remember but something is different. [color=f26522]"You look good Rin." [/color]I start off with a complement. It's a very weak a d poor attempt at winning some trust. [color=f26522]"It's been what? twenty years or so?" [/color] [color=f26522]"You know I just... Just can't help but wonder what the fuck I'm doing here?" [/color]I let a small laugh. Secure in the knowledge that she requested me. [color=f26522]"You wouldn't mind sharing that information would you? I gotta wanna need to know that." [/color]I may have said more than a little flippantly. [center][h2][color=9e005d][b]Commander Rin Monroe[/b][/color][/h2][/center] I was standing there, clipboard in hand, looking over diagnostics of the vipers along with the lists of ammo and general supplies to be loaded on the ship with them. I sigh in irritation as the lower ranking officers I'd been using to take care of prepping and loading the vipers quickly moved out of the area. I simply ignore Bane and his flamboyant entry. It was like he was putting on some kind of performance in hopes of swooning me, or at least getting a reaction. My attention continues to stay focused on the papers as I carefully look over them and flip through to the next. He filled the silence with stupid lyrics and eager questions. To which I continued to ignore and stay glued to my task at hand. Now it was quiet, nothing being said. An awkward silence as most would call it. In all honesty half my reason for making him wait was to remind him who was the boss here. Finally I finish and look up. [color=9e005d][b]"Are you done being an idiot yet?"[/b][/color] I ask as I lower the clip board and put a hand on my hip. [color=9e005d][b]"Because if not I can take off for another 20 years and give you a chance to grow the fuck up." [/b][/color]I bark out at him. I shake my head and walk to a table where I set down the clipboard. What I said might be a little more harsh than necessary but I've had to deal with a lot of shit from the rest of my team and I'm in no mood to have it coming from him too. Then again, what kind of fucktard yells at everyone to leave then starts rapping? [color=f26522][center][h2] Justin "Bane' Case[/h2][/center][/color] [color=f26522] "Somebody had a bad day huh?" [/color]I tell her as I lean against the table she sat her clipboard on. [color=f26522]"I think even if you took off for next fifty yeas, I'd still act like this. You knew that when you got me here." [/color]She's trying to get the upper hand. She wants to let me know me who's in charge around here. I'll back off and let her have it. There is a time and place for everything. This wasn't the time to push. It makes sense, but it makes me wonder what happened around here. I've heard rumors that she had became some kinda hard ass over the years. I didn't think they were completely true, but even back then she was a little on the hard side. Still I can't help but wonder what happened around here. She's angry I can tell that much. She was never one to suffers fools. That was proven on the battlefront. [center][h2][color=9e005d][b]Commander Rin Monroe[/b][/color][/h2][/center] I put a hand on the back of my neck, briefly trying to rub out some tension, and look around then back to him. [color=9e005d][b]"I know. But your good at what you do, and I need people I can trust at my back. Because I have a gut feeling we're about to walk off into some deep shit."[/b][/color] I explain in a more tired then angry tone. "Hell, that's our job though." I say shaking my head and re-positioning my stance. I flag over a Petty Officer who stood just out of ear shot. [color=9e005d][b]"Double the the fuel for the Vipers and triple all the ammo. Other than that everything is good to go."[/b][/color] I tell the young officer as I hand them the clipboard. I look back to Bane who was waiting much more patiently now. [color=9e005d][b]"Let's find somewhere private so I can give you the run down of why exactly your here." [/b][/color]I suggest. Wasting no time I walk briskly towards the exit. [color=f26522][center][h2] Justin "Bane' Case[/h2][/center][/color] Bitch best get right I tell myself. I'm one of the best in this army but that's a talk for another time. I'll save that comment for later, even though it hurts my pride more than I want to admit. I stay silent till I know she's done talking. I may not be speaking but I am watching, shes stressed. Is it stress or fear and worry? There are way too questions here. The more I listen and watch her, the more confident I get that this is big, really big. Might even be able to change the tide of the war. I can't help but wonder what could be that big? A Defection? Taking out their Rebirth system? Are we a splinter cell attacking the capital of UKD? I have to remind myself that whatever this is, its gonna get fucked. In my whole career I haven't had many perfect missions. Perfect missions where the stuff of legends. I've had few, others have as well. My gut tells me this won't be one of them. I Watch as she tells the Petty officer what to do. Double fuel and triple ammo? I really don't like this. I hate those things, with words that can't be expressed, I hate them. It removes most all of your senses. It takes away the smelling, hearing and touch. You can't taste the gun powered air. Give me a blue sky and dirt under my feet and I can deal with anything. It's not till she says something that I realize not only is my face is showing my anger at the Vipers but I have no clue whats going on right now. The only thing I can hear is private and rub down. I want make a joke but I know I heard wrong. That's not her style. That's not to say I'd say no to that deal. I'd take that in a heart beat. [color=f26522]"Mind if we get something to eat? It's been a few days since I had some solid food." [/color]I asked her. If I have to hear how bad this is gonna be. I'd rather do it on full stomach than an empty one. I grin to myself, remembering what an old friend once told me. [color=f26522]"I like to be wined and dined before I get fucked."[/color] And I can't help but get the feeling I'm gonna get fucked, and not the way I want. [center][h2][color=9e005d][b]Commander Rin Monroe[/b][/color][/h2][/center] Despite his silence I can tell he's got a lot on his mind. The look in someone's eye and their expression can often tell you more about what they're thinking then words ever could. And while I have met people you manipulate even the smallest of details about their reactions to mislead you, I know Bane and that's not what he's doing. He's not really the type to play little tricks like that. Chances are he's gonna say it to your face, and bluntly at that. Knowing that though makes me worry about his silence. I can feel a certain disgust, curiosity, worry, and general edginess about him. Hell, he doesn't even know what the mission is about yet and he's edgy. Maybe that's why I'm so stressed, this mission keeps giving me a weird feeling. It's far from the most dangerous mission I've been on, yet why can't I shake this feeling? I wonder if I'm just going soft in my old age... huh yeah right. I had noted his scowl towards the Vipers, probably just his dislike of flying and ships. That or the jet fuel is getting to him. [color=9e005d][b]"Of course. I wouldn't want you to be thinking about food while I'm trying to brief you."[/b][/color] I remark as he comes alongside me. Absentmindedly I run a hand over my head to smooth my ponytail. * * * I suddenly regret offering to pay for his food. I was unaware of how much he could devour. [color=9e005d][b]"Was the ice cream really necessary?"[/b][/color] I ask with a shake of my head. I feel like a babysitter walking along with the kid and his ice cream cone. After ducking into a storage room I begin the briefing. I tell him the same information all the others got. About half way through I take a seat atop a crate and cross my legs. Once I conclude I take a long breath. [color=9e005d][b]"Any questions?"[/b][/color] I ask. [color=f26522][center][h2] Justin "Bane' Case[/h2][/center][/color] She ran her hand through her hair. Shes stressed and worried. I can't help but wonder if she saw my face. It always kinda bothered me how observant she was. It was normally pretty hand but not when it was directed at me. She did agree to the food though. That's something in the plus column. When offered to pay for the meal, I remember she's never really seen me eat. Last time we were together I didn't really get the chance to eat anything outside of an MRE here and there. She'll regret it later, more than she knows. After the second or third pass through I can tell shes not too happy anymore. Eating with Rin Lee was much more enjoyable than what some people would think it be. I can see she why they would think that. She tightens up around other people, its when they leave I can see her loosen up a bit. When she loosens up and starts talking Rin Lee is a surprisingly fun and lovely person... When no one is around to see it. Pity most people won't see that side of her. As we get up to leave I can't help it. They have ice cream here! I must have it! As we leave I can hear how annoyed she is by her questioning the need for ice cream. [color=f26522]"You know I haven't even had the option of ice cream for a few months. Ground fighter remember?" [/color]I try to remind her what she pulled me away from. It wasn't long before she pulled me into storage room. I don't know whats gonna happen in here. Am I getting briefed, laid, or is she gonna try to kill. She has her side arm with her, but I got ice cream and I know how to use it. I listened intently to every detail of briefing. I don't like this, I hate this idea. Something is wrong here. As I watch her sit on a box and adopt an oddly feminine pose, she asked for questions. Dear Lord Sweet Baby Jesus do I have questions. I stare at her silently for a few moments gathering my thoughts together, licking and enjoying every bit of the ice cream that is almost gone. I'm sure she thinks I look like a fool. I got up and walked to the door and stepped outside of the storage room. [color=f26522]"Wait here."[/color] I told her. I'm not asking her, I'm telling her. I find the nearest person and take ask them to get my bags and bring to the storage unit. He's quicker than I gave him credit for. My bags where there not long after I walked back into the room. I still haven't said anything. The silents is deafening in its own way. [color=f26522]"Just so we are clear, we don't really know where we are going, and we don't know whats gonna happen when we get there. Just that we're going to Cortan, and we're gonna be in city... Likely a big one. Will Rebirth even be an option? Why the hell are we taking Vipers? For that matter is this all we're doing or are we gonna do some bullshit splinter cell shit?"[/color] I spoke as I starting pulling somethings out of the duffle. Two steel cup and a bottle. The bottle was rare liquor from Haxon. It wasn't all that rare twenty years ago but its extremely rare these days. One of the many gifts from that day that just keeps on give. I toss her a cup and poor myself more than I ought to, I toss her the bottle and motion for her to do the same. After a drink I lean on the box next to her. I forget how good this stuff is. I glance at her a time or two before speaking. [color=f26522]"Something isn't right here and you know it. Are you sure you wanna go through wit this?" [/color] [center][h2][color=9e005d][b]Commander Rin Monroe[/b][/color][/h2][/center] I set the bottle aside for the time being. I raise my hand to my mouth and wipe the sweat away from my top lip. The air in the room is humid and uncomfortable, with a stale smell on top of that. I pass the empty cup back and forth in my hands as I momentarily gather my thoughts. With a deep breath I set the cup by the bottle then move my hands to grasp the edge of the crate I sat on, arms straight. My eyes move to meet his. His stare was as stern and serious as mine. His concern is legitimate but I surely hope he doesn't think I'm new to things like this. [color=9e005d][b]"I'll be getting a message from the spy tomorrow giving us more specific details. But unfortunately we can't always have all the information we'd like to. I guess you could say not having a set in stone plan makes it easier to make adjustments. You know just as well as me a good soldier has to be flexible."[/b][/color] I say plainly. Slowly I tilt my head downwards and rock it back and forth, a popping sound coming from my neck as several vertebrae snap back into place. [color=9e005d][b]"Anyone on this mission who is in Rebirth has a sufficient amount of bodies aboard the ship. So yes, it will be an option. As for the Vipers, well I don't like going in without being prepared. I've been given the lead way to investigate and if we get ourselves in a shitty situation I don't want to be unarmed." [/b][/color] With that I slide off the crate and lean on it, arms crossed. I know how bad this all looks but I'd rather be overly prepared then caught off guard. [color=f26522][center][h2] Justin "Bane' Case[/h2][/center][/color] When she finishes, I down the rest of my drink and pour one for the both of us. She'll get pissed at me for it but I doubt she'll do anything I can't handle. I rub my temple then run my hand through my hair before letting out a large sigh. She dodged the last question, a lot could be read into that. Again something else to save for later. "Alright, time to get with the beat, these are the cards you've dealt and you gotta play them right." I tell myself. [color=f26522]"Okay! Well Rin, tomorrow. we should know something tomorrow!"[/color] I tried to say cheerfully, I don't know if she would buy it or not but I gather my things. I just noticed I called her Rin, not Rin Lee. She's gonna notice that. Well she say chalk it up to alcohol or distraction? Chang the pace, don't give her time to realize what just happened. I start singing a little song as I make sure everything is where it supposed to be. [color=f26522][center] So don't delay, act now, supplies are running out Allow if you're still alive, six to eight years to arrive And if you follow, there may be a tomorrow But if the offer is shun, you might as well be walkin' on the sun [/center][/color] When I am done I look back to her, knowing shes as unhappy about this as I am. At this point if I asked any more questions, we'd be running around in circles. Its best to leave it alone for now. When more information comes to light, then I'll throw a bitch fit. [color=f26522]"Is it too late to ask how yah been? You look good, hairs as pink as ever!"[/color] No matter what she says next this conversation is coming to a close. I could use some time to myself. Maybe meet a few of the people on this task force. [center][h2][color=9e005d][b]Commander Rin Monroe[/b][/color][/h2][/center] I briefly stare down at the liquid in the cup. I had refrained from pouring a drink since I'm on duty and have a shit ton yet to get done. However, after going through that briefing [i]again[/i] and answering his questions I feel I can now justify it. Besides, one drink won't be remotely enough to impair my judgment. I also know how to cut it off at just one. I swirl it around the cup once or twice then take a long drink. The nearly forgotten taste takes me decades back to memories that were sweet when made but turned bitter somewhere along the way. I pull myself out of the toxic trap called memories and force my mind to focus on the reality at hand. I nearly do a double take when he called me Rin. It isn't the fact that he called me by name that I find surprising, it's that he didn't add in my middle name like he usually did. It was an odd habit of his that I don't really understand but I suppose we all have those strange little things we do. However, him addressing me in nontraditional ways is much more tolerable than him randomly breaking out into song. I try to tune him out as I finish my drink. Now there was a question I hadn't seen coming. It felt about like a slap to the face, stings just enough to get your attention. It felt like a hour passed as I tried to concoct some kind of answer, thankfully though only a few seconds passed. I tilt my head back to finish off the drink then set the cup aside. Silently I threw up walls, all around me. Any inch of unprotected emotion was buried. [color=9e005d][b]"I'm still alive, aren't I?"[/b][/color] I answer causally. The reality that we both knew all to well was that I couldn't die, not even if I want to. [color=f26522][center][h2] Justin "Bane' Case[/h2][/center][/color] I watched as her face went from seemingly enjoying this conversation, to a cold hard exterior. I could see the wheels turning in her. Whatever she says next will be a lie. I'm watching as the walls go up all around her. If you knew what you were looking for her could be road map of pain and disappointment. Something happened to her that was pretty bad. I almost wonder how many times something like that happened. As much as I want to ask, its none of my business right now. I was holding everything together till she answered. Hearing her answer I let a laugh or three slip out. [color=f26522]"I don't know Rin Lee, you look pretty dead to me." [/color] I told her before I down my drink. I put the cups and bottle away and pick up my bags. [color=f26522]" Well Commander if you need to talk, I'll be around. Just listen for my lyrical flow."[/color]I tell her as sling the bags over my shoulder and fire off a shitty salute. [color=f26522]"DJ, drop a sick beat!"[/color] I shout as I walk out the door. I walked to my cabin and unpacked a few things. I didn't unpack much, if nothing no reason than I was lazy and just wanted to keep drinking. I did pull out some... objectionable items. They were my own personal weapons. I hate it when other people mess with my weapons. My knives, my fire arms, my upkeep. I pull out the bottle and steel cup and fill the cup. I also pull out a small stereo. As the music plays I start cleaning and maintaining my weapons. I sharpen my knives, slow and steady. Mindful of just how important a clean and sharp cutting edge. When I finish my knives, three in total. Each one of them had their own purposes. I have a knife for utility, for people and for food. I take very special of each of them. I never without one of them. I moved on my firearms. I kept two them with me at all times. A handgun and rifle, both custom built by me. The rifle is my pride and joy. I've gone over every inch and part on this rifle, everything is done the way I want it and it looks like it. I love this weapon. My handgun is a little more conventional. A lot of the handgun has just been modified, a small change here or there. Its a very effective tool that can be overlooked. As I take apart my rifle, I notice that I left my cabin door open. It doesn't bother as much as you'd think it would. It really helps that my back isn't to the door. I take another drink and clean my rifle. There were worse ways to spend an evening. A collaboration bewteen AcerRo and BlackRose24