[@Sonatina] Alright sounds good! [@Kriminel] Ah well having a character being prejudice against the infected is actually kind of preferable. It adds a layer of believable if cruel reality to the world and it's one thing to say this racism and prejudice exists in the world and another to actually show it. And if all our human characters were pretty chill about the infected even though for their entire lives they were told that they were less than human monsters intended to eat them and burn down their homes it would seem just a little odd lol. And beside it makes things oh so much more cathartic when they get over their own prejudices and hatred for one another and get together as a team or whatever. Oh and how they get together well at the start everybody wakes up inside the dungeon of an old Republic City. Every character will have their own reasons to have ended up down there (that you as players will surely come up with some creative reasons) but it almost seems like an outside force is conspiring to get you all in the same place and at the same time. And well the mystery of solving why that is starts from there. [@Sypherkhode822] Yeah it's really no problem. I care more about the words in the CS more than anything else as you may have expected. [@Jinxer] Well that's really up to you. You may want to make a mention of it in your CS but flesh it out in more detail in the actual story or vice versa whatever you feel would be best for your intended character. [@RedDusk] I like him! The only question I would have is what happened after his encounter with the Inquisitors. Has he continued to just wander about aimlessly without a true purpose, or is he setting out with a goal in mind or something of the sort to fulfill? Just something to think about of maybe adding in but beside that it all looks good in my book.