[quote=@ShidenBlades] [@Fallenreaper] No problem. I love the questions. Sometimes (most times) things I write makes sense to me but I miss a word or describe it weird. His attack would be initiated just before her baton would strike his thigh, with the idea being that his strike would hit just as hers does. My thought process being that Nicoli has about the same distance to travel to strike but his speed and strength is currently much greater than that it would normally be, which is still normally very impressive. Trying to catch her unawares! =) Hope that answers. [/quote] I like a balance of extreme and brief, myself. I tried to balance the two, though knowing this information helps as it alters her attack slightly from its original target area because of [u][i]when[/i][/u] he attacked.This would affect a things in my post as I will explain after I finish it. Thank you, if I think of anything else I'll be sure to ask.