[sub][i]"Give up and go home"[center]"Alone"[/center] [right]"And suffer some more"[/right][/i][/sub] Kylie brooded in silence, impatiently waiting for her ride. She was still wearing an apron and the stupid outfit her brother had deemed "appropriate". In her head, she already had plans: she was going to go back home and tear the place apart. Her idiot twin probably didn't hide them that well. Probably hid them under the couch. Then she'd go back to playing Call of Duty and regain that kill streak. [color=red][b]”Hey, what’s the rush? Did they really make you THAT angry? More importantly, do you even have cash on you? If not, how are you going to pay for that overpriced taxi service? Why not chill down a bit and think things through?”[/b][/color] The voice was immediately bothersome. Practically growling, she spun on her heel and faced the familiar face of Skrillex or whatever this guy's name was. This woman was a flurry of mixed feelings right now, and Hell hath no fury like an emotional Kylie. [color=salmon]"What the fuck did you say to me, you little bitch?"[/color] she roared, a fire burning dangerously in her deep blue eyes. [color=salmon]"Do you think I'm some kind of cheap slut you can cater to? Ha! I bet I make more money in front of my camera than you do in an entire month. I'm a fucking [i]princess[/i] next to your mangy ass. You couldn't afford to get me to 'chill down'."[/color] The gamer girl was absolutely seething now, venting all of her frustrations on this guy. As if to prove her point, one of her lithe hands reached into her back pocket and pulled out wallet decorated with black and white polka dots. Opening it, she revealed the contents: a solid stack of $100 bills along with a debit card. [color=salmon]"Do you think I have enough money now, you wannabe-edgy asshole?"[/color] Kylie was about to continue ripping into this guy, but her Uber had finally pulled up. Shooting him a dark glare and stowing away her wallet, she flipped him off and entered the SUV without another word. Even as the vehicle took off, she still had her middle finger against the glass. Sure, it may have been excessive to bitch out a guy that genuinely seemed like he was trying to help, but damn did she feel better. Out of the blue, a thought came to her. Instead of gaming, she really needed some retail therapy, but she didn't want to go alone. Her brother was being a fucking ass, Sophi was too pretentious to do anything with, James was in class, and the two kids were in high school. However... Her younger sisters wouldn't mind a day off, would they? If she did this, it was definitely going to piss her older siblings off. [i]'But, you know, what? Fuck 'em.'[/i] It was settled. She was going to have a girl's day out. [center][sub][i]'This head of stone let's no one in anymore.'[/i][/sub][/center] [@GrafRoy Zeppeli][hr] Approximately 15 minutes later, Kylie was strolling into the familiar high school she had spent 3 or 4 miserable years at. Nothing personally bad had happened to her, but it was [i]so[/i] boring. Who in their right mind wanted to spend an entire day learning about some crap like Aristotle and long division? Dweebs, that's who. The redhead immediately walked into the main office, approaching the bigger lady that sat at the front desk. "Hi there. How can I help you today?" the lady asked her. [color=salmon]"Uh... I need to sign out Olivia and Zoey Reese. There's been an accident, and they really need to come home. I'm their big sister, Kylie."[/color] the Reese twin answered, producing her ID from her wallet and flashing it toward the woman. It was strange to be picking up kids so early in the day, but important matters were important matters. With the secretary's approval, Kylie signed a paper acknowledging she was taking the kids home. [i]"Olivia and Zoey Reese to the main office, please. Your sister is here to pick you up."[/i] the female's voice announced over the intercom. Taking a seat outside the office, she waited for her siblings and typed up a new Twitter update. [i]'Girl time! Gonna live large! #sisterlylove #theysocute'[/i] Kylie couldn't remember the last time she actually had any quality time with Olivia and Zoey, now that she thought about it... [@Emma][@BilboTheGreat]