[hider=Wesley Harmon][color=steelblue]Name[/color] Wesley Harmon [color=steelblue]Birthday[/color] March 2nd [color=steelblue]Age[/color] 26 [color=steelblue]Appearance[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/qIT5edX.jpg?1[/img] 6’5” 198 His hair is dyed purple. His natural color is dark brown/black.[/center] [color=steelblue]Position[/color] “The Prince of Millington” [color=steelblue]School[/color] He has a Masters in Accounting. [color=steelblue]Occupation[/color] Underboss of the Harmon Crime Syndicate [color=steelblue]Personality[/color] A total asshole. He struts the streets like he owns the place, and he seems to be very misogynistic with his constant catcalls and unwanted touching. Wesley uses his power and influence as an Underboss to get what he wants. He definitely fits the definition of a thug and challenges those that oppose him, especially those rogue officers that attempt to stray from under his father’s thumb. There is a certain air of tact and cunning to him, making him an incredibly dangerous enemy to make. However, he does have a soft spot and will assist those truly in need, if he finds them worth his time anyway. [color=steelblue]Short Bio[/color] Wesley was born the first son of Dino Harmon, Boss of the notorious Harmon Crime Syndicate, in Zagreb, Croatia. He’s spent his life lavished in luxury and has traveled all over the world while learning what it takes to make a living as a professional criminal. However, the Harmons have based themselves out of Millington, a place they can do business and feel secure in doing it. Wesley, in particular, loves the town and has made personal donations to make the town more prosperous. It’s hard not to spot the eldest Harmon, considering he and his posse have dyed their hairs colors out of the norm. Most people dislike his goonish personality, but respect the contributions he has made to the town. He can be seen most days in the clubs or buying expensive goods at the mall. [/hider]