[hider=Blake Mitchell][center][color=orange]BLAKE MITCHELL[/color] [color=orange]Birthday[/color] April/Fifteenth/Nineteen Eighty Seven (Present year in RP: 2016) [color=orange]Twenty-Eight [/color] [color=orange]Appearance[/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nZNrUuS.jpg[/img] -5'11" -127 lbs -A tattoo on her left shoulder, rarely seen as it's covered by a bandage. -Wears a pair of black rimmed glasses, they always seem to just be on the rim of her nose and doing her little good for actual vision enhancement. -Eyes are as muddy as the Mississippi...but still somehow bright and vibrant. -Really enjoys wearing pants suits unless it's summer in which case she'll go casual even when on the clock. [color=orange]Position[/color] The Neighbor around the corner, whose house is always skipped on Halloween. A ranch house, a far cry from the other homes aimed for more familial living. [color=orange]Secret[/color] Yes, those are things that exist. [color=orange]School[/color] School, at this point, is a distant memory. And not necessarily a fond one. [color=orange]Occupation[/color] Though the office space is far from ideal, Blake is technically an investigator, operating a small, as in her and a secretary/assistant that rarely shows up, office in the heart of the town. The office in question is a small building sitting near the Palace Nine property. People in need of proof of an affair or proof their child is breaking curfew or not make up the majority of her cases, leading to a reputation as 'Millington's Paparazzi'. Though her name is on the sign, more often than not she's out of office and taking full advantage of the proximity to the mall and the Outerworld. [color=orange]Personality[/color] Blake doesn't have a good reputation with the community as is, because most people don't like glorified snoops right up until they need them, and she doesn't exactly donate to town festivals (though she'll always be on the lookout for injured sorts at those kinds of gatherings). But Blake is a personable sort, charismatic in a word, always one to finish someone's sentence out of a belief that she knows what they're thinking before they think it. Some find her to be offputting because of this, and her inflated ego over her largely situational career surely doesn't do much to help matters. Blake believes herself to be on a first name basis with the entire town...and will always be the one to get everyone's name wrong at a social gathering even upon repeat meetings. While those little...quirks of hers contribute to the general feeling of annoyance that follows her around, no one can deny that when she does get hired for a job that she does get results. That combined with her willingness to divert truly dangerous jobs to the police along with her readiness to give the police her own records (with the names changed, of course) should they ask, is what has allowed her to stay in operation. Blake doesn't exactly do...good for the community...but she's nice to have around for a rainy day. [color=orange]Short Bio[/color] Blake is an east coast woman at heart, despite being born in the dead center of the country and moving westward at a young age due to circumstances far beyond her control. She isn't a lifer in Millington, having arrived near around five years ago and becoming a 'fixture', such as it is, a year after that. She hasn't exactly been forthcoming with her life story, other than what's already a matter of public knowledge, such as her being born to a jazz singer in a night club and the humble bar tender that fell in love with the voice and didn't realize the person attached to said voice was not what anyone would call an overly caring sort. And her transcripts show that she did attend public schooling through to high school and her degree in criminal justice hangs in her office. The degree is ACTUALLY in photography but no one ever looks closely at it and the diploma is there just to add legitimacy anyway. Blake was married for a hot minute, or in more understandable terms for just long enough for her daughter, Felicia, to be born and her realizing she wanted to have nothing to do with the one night stand that went on for far too long. The marriage was spur of the moment anyway, done in a ceremony-less service and ended with just as much fanfare; that was seven years ago. The hardest part, Blake discovered, was getting her degree with a child to care for, but the right room mates and associates at her university took some of the burden off. When Blake arrived in Millington it was with daughter at her side and into the lowest priced house on the market while still technically being part of the more savory side of town. Felicia: [img]http://i.imgur.com/zKmWFRV.png[/img] Her daughter attends the grade school and is known among her peers as 'the girl that draws on desks'. Some might call that vandalism. Blake considers it artistic expression. Either way it winds up with Blake having to attend far more parent teacher conferences than she cares for.[/center][/hider]