[hr][hr][center] [h3] [color=salmon]Kylie Reese[/color] [/h3][/center][hr][hr] Kylie was on the verge of hyperventilating, overwhelmed by the debt she had just accrued plus the notion of actually having to have a real job. She took out her phone and searched for the federal tax rate and googled what she needed to know about taxes and tax brackets. Ticking some numbers into her head, she remembered she had made around $42,500 last year. $30,000 from a tournament, and 5 months of $2,500 from the sponsorship she acquired. [color=salmon][i]'Okay, 42,500 x .25 = ...10,625. That's specifically how much I owe the feds.'[/i][/color] The redhead was glad she at least remembered some of the math she learned in school. Her hands swiftly grabbed the letter from the IRS, and noted the math matched up. Scanning over the website she'd pulled up about taxes, it mentioned she also needed to pay state tax. [color=salmon]"Shit!"[/color] The words flew out of her mouth as she began to dig through the pile of envelopes again. Lo and behold, there was another envelope for her from Oregon Department of Revenue. Tearing it open, her eyes were glued to it, taking in every word it told her. The news was bad: another $3,825 in state taxes. So [i]$14,450[/i] grand total. That number loomed over her like a dark cloud. How much of that $42,500 did she have left? Last she recalled, there was about a little over $11,000 sitting in her bank account. Sheesh. Did she really spend that much? [color=salmon]"I owe... more than 10 grand. I owe $14,450. I made $42,500 last year but nothing was automatically taxed. Under the table, you could say, I guess."[/color] Kylie began to explain. [color=salmon]"Look, it doesn't matter how I made the money, just know it's online, I'm self-employed, and make a good amount each month, okay? I didn't realize I fucked myself in taxes though..."[/color] The twin really didn't want to start explaining how video games and advertising had gotten her somewhere. Plus they probably wouldn't believe her anyhow. Running both of her hands through her hair, she let out a sigh of frustration before turning in her seat and taking the money Ollie presented to her. [color=salmon]"Thanks, kiddo."[/color] were the only words she said to her tiny sister before she got up out of her seat and started up the stairs. [color=salmon]"I'll go get dressed... I hope your friend isn't a fucking creep, Riley."[/color] she told her twin, looking back at her brother with pained, sapphire orbs. Kylie was actually going to go prepare for this stupid interview that Riley had planned for her. Sure, she didn't like it. In fact, she just wanted to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, it was either deal with this tax bullshit or get crushed by the consequences. Plus Riley was legitimately doing her a favor, and she couldn't stand to deny him that. As the redhead marched up to the bathroom to shower, she shot Sophia a text. [color=salmon][i]'do u have $15k i can borrow??? lol i gotta pay taxes n i kindaaaa spent most of the $$$ i made lst yr. its rlly dumb. i make 2500 a month, so i can pay u bck btw. i gonna try n get anther job 2.'[/i][/color] The twin doubted Sophia had that kind of money, but if her sister did, then she would much rather owe her than the government... At least she would be able to get away with not paying on time with her sibling. Clenching her fists as she entered the bathroom, Kylie slammed the door and took a good look at herself in the mirror. She was 18 years old, but she didn't know shit about life. Talking to strangers terrified her. Her own family regarded her as a fuck up, and no doubt this whole money situation only made them even more disappointed in her. What would happen if they learned about her feelings for Riley? Would they throw her out and ignore her very existence? Kylie really didn't want to find out. Maybe it as about time she had some change in her life. Stroking her hair, her mind lingered on that for a moment. [i]Change[/i]. It absolutely frightened her, but... it had to be done. [sub][@lovely complex][@BlueAjah][@Saint Girralo][@Emma][@The Muse][/sub]