[center][h2][color=silver]Jerry[/color][/h2][/center] The morning had been an irritating one. A personal phone call from the sheriff about how great Wes Harmon was for the community. Blah blah blah. It had been all too apparent that the Harmon family was a big deal in a small town which Jerry should have anticipated. He’d beaten the crowd to the Orchid and his morning had started with the coffee he had missed out on in the coffee shop. Then followed a round of eggs and bacon with toast which had filled the growing hole in his stomach and then it had been straight to work. Jerry had situated himself in the very back of the Orchid, it looked like it had just been the Kitchen staff when he’d walked in but business quickly picked up as Jerry watched from his corner booth at the back of the room. It had been a real surprise when the Reese family had showed up to work but after some digging on his laptop all had been made clear. This was the restaurant the obituary had mentioned. [i]Restaurant owners and long time community members[/i] As he scrolled through police reports it became all too clear what this town's real problem was. They were the perfect population density to maintain a criminal syndicate without the cops to oppose them. That or the cops were all in their pocket. More digging had turned up what he expected. Family ties between the Sheriff to the Harmon’s. This was absolutely fantastic; rolling his eyes Jerry closed the laptop and tapped on it with his phone. Looking at the clock it was about 10am as he decided that the Orchid would make a great place to start catching up on the cases that had recently been filed. It was a decent amount but nothing unmanageable. Before he brought up the cases he paused and flicked his phone around so that he could send a text. Tapping Nana’s number he tapped out a relatively straightforward text: [color=Silver]Hey Nana, I hate to bother you so early but I was wondering what you know about a man by the name of Wes Harmon.[/color] Jerry didn’t include any details since he was hoping for an initial reaction as opposed to something that was tailored around anything he might find useful. With that finished he scrolled through a list of his contacts. With a tap he dialed a number listed simply as DOJ. Sitting tapping his fingers someone on the other end picked up. [color=silver]Hey, it’s Jerry. Can I ask you to do me a favor? I need to dodge something being traced. And yes I’m aware I’ve been here less than a week; this is a personal project. Can you send me all the stuff you have on Wes Harmon and his affiliates. I wasn’t aware Cous county had its own little three ring circus and it blindsided me this morning.”[/color] Jerry paused for a moment his eyes scanning the room. It was turning into a relatively nice day outside and the medium chatter in the room masked his phone call nicely. The decour for the Orchid was growing on him. It would be easy to see himself in twenty years still coming here and having breakfast while he watched the regulars swirl around him. Opening the laptop again he brought up his web browser. Chrome. The others were garbage and anyone who argued with him usually ended up on his shit list. It was simply an objectively superior web browser. The search keywords probably would have raised eyebrows: Millington Oregon Lindy Hop and Swing. Scrolling Jerry nodded at something the person on the other end of the line said even though they couldn’t see him. [color=silver]”Yeah that sounds fantastic. Thanks I owe you one; do me a favor and grab me that fed from organized crimes number?”[/color] Jerry paused [color=silver]“Yeah thanks Rick”[/color] Now thoroughly distracted by his search Jerry raised an eyebrow and double clicked on a link that looked promising. The Spotlight Ballroom; Ballroom, Lindey hop and Swing. The hobby was an old holdover from Jerry's days in college. It had been necessary to find someplace to put his finger on the pulse of things and it had been oddly enjoyable. Not to mention it had never hurt his chances with women. It turned out that when they found out that you could Waltz, tango, foxtrot, and swing that all of the sudden you were just generally better as a male. Being able to dance was apparently a lost skill for most males. Taking note of the times Jerry tapped his foot on the floor. With that Jerry turned his attention to the work on his laptop. As the hours rolled by Jerry became totally oblivious to the comings and goings of the restaurant as he plowed through a mountain of electronic reports in about two hours. [hr] [h3][color=silver]Noon[/color][/h3] At about twelve Jerry took the earbuds out his ears, his luck with finding a place to go dance had forced him back to [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwWT43Eb3IM]swing music[/url]. It was closing in on time for lunch as Jerry finally scanned the room and his eyes practically popped out of his head as he saw Wes sitting on the other side of the room. What a pain in the ass; as if sharing space with him hadn’t been bad enough once today. It was without a doubt for sure time for lunch. [@Lovely Complex][@Viciousmarrow]